I Promise!

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Hi all you beautiful people!!!! So this, to me, is a really sweet chapter! I smiled writing it! So I hope you enjoy it!!!

-Meagan xx


I say there waiting for Siva to respond. I looked at him moving my head a bit so I could look at him properly. "Siva? Are you alright?" I asked getting a bit worried. He finally looked up at me then sighed. "Nathan tends to say things quite quickly. The last girl he told that he loved, he broke her heart." He did what?! Was it really just a heat of the moment thing? "How quickly did he say it to her?" I asked fiddling with my hands then looking down at them. "After about a week..." Siva trailed off.

A week. Nathan didn't announce his love towards me until after a day. Siva was right. He does say things quickly. But I'm not going to let another relationship between Nathan and some other girl get between the one we could have. I don't care if he broke her heart. Nathan knows he went to fast when it came to me. So I know he is trying to take things slower. Maybe me going on tour with him and the boys will give me a chance to get to know Nathan better. Maybe it could lead to an actual relationship with him? I don't want to judge him too quickly. I just want to get to know him for him, not as a singer in a boy band.

Siva and I sat there quietly for a while. Max and Jay were already back, and had been for a while. Tom and Nathan had finally returned with food and my drink. Jay and Max sat beside Siva, while Nathan sat beside me followed by Tom.

Everyone had gotten into their own conversations while waiting for our flight to be called. Nathan must have noticed because he looked over to me. "You alright, love?" I looked up at him and nodded my head. "I don't believe you." He whispered in my ear. I let out a sigh and slouched down more in my seat. He shook his head and stood up. Nathan grabbed my hand and pulled me up, leading me over to the bathroom hall in the airport. He found a family bathroom and entered, closing and locking the door behind us.

"What's wrong?" He said leaning against the door. I shrugged my shoulders looking away from him. "It's nothing..." I trailed off rubbing my arms and looking at the ground. "Apparently not. I know something's up, Meagan. I'm not stupid." Nathan said walking towards me. "I know you're not Nathan..." I said turning away from him. He grabbed my arms turning me back towards him. I kept my eyes off of his face. I stared straight down to our feet. "Meagan look at me." He said leaning down a bit. I continued to stare down. Not even minding him. He stood straight up again then let out a sigh.

Nathan let go of my arms. I still didn't move. "God damn it Meagan!" This really startled me. At that point I had to look. His eyes were staring intently at me, filled with worry and a hint of anger. "Please just tell me? It's pissing me off, that I can't do anything to help!" This time Nathan's eyes were starting to build up with tears. Oh shit! I ran over to him and put my hand to his cheek, wiping off the stray tear the fell. "Please just tell me..." He said softly, putting his hand on top of my own.

I let out a sigh. "I was talking to Siva and he kinda told me some things..." I trailed off looking up at him. Nathan's face went from upset to confused in a matter of seconds. "What did he say?" He asked pulling his hand down, while still holing mine. "Siva said that the last time you told.... That you told a girl you loved her was after a week of knowing her. I had told him that you said you loved me. Then he said that you ended up breaking her heart..."

I looked back down to the ground. "Babe that was the past. That doesn't matter anymore. And what are you worried about?" I looked back to him and quickly spoke my mind, "that if we ever do get together that you would hurt me..." "Oh babe. You know is never do such a thing." He said squeezing my hand tightly. "How do I know you wouldn't?" I said looking up into his green eyes.

He stood there for a moment staring down at me. I couldn't read his face, but I knew he was thinking. He grabbed my other hand in his and leaned down a bit, so that he was at eye level with me. "I promise. And if I ever break that promise, I will without a doubt blame myself for it all. If you fall, I fall. If you hurt, I hurt. Ad if your heart breaks because of me, then i'll do the only thing I know how.... I'll hurt myself."

I felt a knot begin to grow in my throat. He'd hurt himself if he broke my heart? "Nathan, that's really sweet of you. In sorry I was being such an ass about not telling you. I guess I was just scared. I didn't want to end up like that girl." Nathan took one of his hands out of mine and put it against my cheek. "You should never be scared around me." I locked eyes with him. He had the most beautiful green eyes. He started to lean in a bit, as I did the same. We kept getting closer and closer until...

"The 8:45 flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina is now boarding. I repeat, the 8:45 flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina is now boarding. Please report to gate 6 at this time."

Damn! When I really wanted something to happen, that moment was interrupted! "Come on. The boys are probably waiting for us." Nathan grabbed my hand and unlocked the door. We got out and over to where the boys were sat and we all grabbed our luggage. We all started walking towards the gate, when Siva grabbed my arm and pulled me behind them a bit.

"What happened?" He said leaning down whispering in my ear. "He said he would never hurt me. And if he did break my heart, he said he would hurt himself in return." I continued walking glancing up at Siva. "Baby Nath sure isn't a baby anymore." Siva said catching up with the rest of them. Leaving me behind by myself.

When we finally got to the gate I noticed Nathan was nowhere to be found. I looked all around and still couldn't find him. The boys didn't seem to care much or even know he was gone.

"Hey boys, where's Nathan?" I said catching up to them. As soon as they were about to answer, I was tapped on the shoulder by someone. I turned around to see Nathan holding a bouquet of flowers. He handed them to me and I greatly took them. "Nathan they're beautiful!" I said smelling them. He came closer and whispered in my ear...

"I promise. I will never ever hurt you. No matter what!"

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