Chapter 1

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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Tommy thought in his head, while running from small blades coming his way.

He had managed to dodge most of them, but even some had came and sliced at his face and arms. The pain stung a bit, but not enough for him to be doubling over in pain.

Tommy couldn't even think right now. All he had to do was escape. If he got caught, jeez, even he doesn't even know what those "heroes" would do to him.

He had jumped onto a long pipe that stretched across the building. He was quickly walking across it, trying his hardest not to slip. Blasts fired past his head and straight to the vent he was running to.

"Can you at least stop trying to kill me!" Tommy had turned and yelled at the heroes who stood at the start of the pipe, giving him death glares. "I get that I stole something important, but still. You're trying to kill a kid. Don't you think that's going a little overboard."

"We're not trying to kill you, Electroid." Echo said, his voice exhausted and his eyes looking tired.

"It seems like it since you keep firing at me, specifically my head!" Tommy yelled back, wondering why people call them heroes even though they are firing knifes at his head.

"Maybe don't make it so easy to hit you." The Blade said, loading up his crossbow.

"Why are you guys even after me anyways? Aren't I one of the lower ranking criminals? Shouldn't you be chasing someone much more stronger than me?" Tommy asked, walking backwards on the pipe, praying he wouldn't slip and die.

"We would be if you didn't have that orb right there." Echo said, his voice was loading up. That meant he was gonna start singing soon.

Echo had the power to throw his voice, meaning it would create a huge shockwave. That shockwave was powerful enough to even break bones and tear up your body. It wasn't the safest power to have, but it was still effective. And they way he was charging up his voice meant that he was gonna send a shock wave.

"Well, than if you want it back, maybe you should be more polite than throwing lethal weapons at me." Tommy retorted.

"Electroid," His name boomed across the metal insides of this building. Uh oh. Philza was pissed. "We have had enough of this. This can be handled very easy if you just come back over here and give us that orb. Or we can do this the hard way."

"What's the hard way? Throwing me down there and killing me off for good. Oh I'm sure that the Hero HQ would love that." Tommy snickered. He then began to say in a mocking voice, "Three of the most powerful heroes on Earth have killed a small child who just needed the orb and didn't want to die. I thought they were the most kindest people here, but no. They had to go kill a child for doing nothing."

"I'm gonna kill him." Echo said, his charging had stopped.

"You can't." Philza told him, sounding equally exhausted.

"Oh, come on! He's right there! I could just blast him with a shockwave and he'll be dead! Boom. No more worrying about him anymore, and we will get the orb back."

"You want to kill a kid for an orb that he doesn't even know the power behind it holds?"

"I mean, yeah."

Tommy smirked when he watched Echo get slapped by Philza. Not gonna lie, it was pretty funny, and the man deserves it. That Echo bitch has been on his ass every single time they meet. Every time they meet, Echo just goes on a tangent about how he's gonna kill him for being so annoying. Tommy would just respond with, "Doesn't that go against what you stand for?" making him even more angry.

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