Preference: You two go to his fav. Place

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Niall: "What are you gonna get babe?" Niall asked with excitement." uhh.." you trailed off looking through the menu. " I guess I'll have the same thing as you!" you said. He smiled and told the waiter. Niall and you were at Nandos having a free day to hang out together, since management had finally let him have a day off. The waiter came back with the meals. Niall licked his lips looking at the food. He ate his whole plate and stole from your plate too! " Babe!!" you said in a higher tone voice Niall looked up from the food innocently " what?" " I'm starving and you're eating all the food." you giggled. "Oh sorry babe here!" he slid a bowl of salad and bread over to you. You smiled and started eating again while still watching Niall eat the whole table!

Louis: " Hey love, what about that one?" your boyfriend Louis said pointing to a really tall roller coaster. You smiled. " I'll race you to it!" you giggled. He smiled and started running. Until he turned around to see you stopped about halfway back looking at something. " Oh god, what is it now?" he asked walking back over with a smirk. You didn't say anything just kept staring at the big purple stuffed bear you could win as prize. " The bear?" he questioned. You nodded your head yes. " I'll get it for you love." He asked the guy at the booth if he could play and he popped all 8 balloons on the wall; each with one throw. The man pulled the bear down and handed it to you. You squeezed it tight and thanked Louis. " How 'bout we go ride that ride now." Louis smiled. " Sure ba-" you were cut off when your mouth dropped open. " Cotten... Candy." you whispered to yourself, but Louis heard you and without even noticing him he walked over and brought you back a big bag full of fluffy, yummy cotten. " yay!!" you screamed. You both never actually rode the ride because of you constant gaze at everything you saw. But he didn't care he loved it! " I love you babe!" he said kissing you on the cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2013 ⏰

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Preference: You two go to his fav. PlaceWhere stories live. Discover now