I Need You.

936 31 3

The last 2 days ari has been at her house crying her eyes out questioning why he broke up with her.

It the second day and Imma a mess

I have dried tears on my skin and I have tissues. Everywhere.

I haven't token a shower in 2 days it's bad. 

I'm in my bed then I hear the door downstairs click so I quickly grab something, my hairbrush
I know horrible defensive system.

I went to the top of the stairs to see who's at the door and I was kinda surprised at what I saw..

Sean was at the bottom of the stairs holding a bouquet of sunflowers with movies in his hand and some pizza and chocolate

"Special delivery." Sean said

"What are you doing here?" I said reaching the stairs at the bottom

"I know what you been through was alot, and you don't deserve to be like this after what he has done to you"

"Thanks sean but I don't need pity"

"Its not pity it me caring for you." Sean said putting his hand on my shoulder "now go upstairs and go get cleaned up and then come down stairs"

"But ---"

"No buts,go!" Sean said

I go upstairs and a take a nice warm shower and after that I put on some yoga pants and a gray tank top

I go downstairs and see sean on the couch with vegan pizza and Netflix on the tv he is on his phone so he Doesn't notice me come down stairs

" Hey" I say

He looks up and smiles

"Hey, come sit" he says patting a spot next to him

"So what we gonna do is we are going to eat this delicious vegan pizza and a movie of your choice and we are gonna have a great time"

"Ha,ha you really planned this out" I say laughing

"Haha yea"

So we eat the pizza that is delicious I try to focus on spending time with sean and watching the movie but  I couldn't  help not think about Nathan

I guess sean noticed my think face.
He always does.

"Do you want to talk about something?" He said pausing the movie

"No it's nothing" I say avoiding eye contact

"Well whenever you say it's nothing you avoid eye contact it's either you did something or you have alot on your mind."

" Well somebody's been studying"

"Right ok, but forreal tell me what's up?"

" I can't just get why he would do that to me." I said getting emotional

"Because he's a stupid guy , he doesn't deserve you, you deserve somebody who is always there for you and someone who cares and loves you, he Doesn't know what his loss is."  Sean says holding my hand wiping my tears

"Thank you for everything." I say "now shall we get back to the movie?"

As I'm watching the movie I notice sean scoots a little closer to me and then I scoot closer and than I put my head on shoulder and he put his arm around my waist and it was amazing because he smelled so good

I was woken by the licking of the one and only Toulouse I flutter my eyes open and he quickly scurried away

I looked around and I noticed that I was in my living room I see pizza crusts on the table and blankets everywhere I wonder where sean is well who knows?

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