Chapter 1

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"Come on lex we're gonna be late!"

"Coming!" I respond.

Sometimes he can be so annoying. He's always worried about being on time. Since it's our first day of college I'm going to give him a bit of slack because I don't want to be late either.

"Took ya long enough."

Ryan says with a snide attitude and look on his face.

"Shut up."I say as I roll my eyes.

I look over to see that my mom is giving me the evil eye because she hates when I tell Ryan to shut up.

"Well if he wasn't being such an ass I wouldn't have to tell him to shut up!"

My mom huffs and storms out of the room.

"See, now mom hates you 'cause you told me to shut up"

"She doesn't hate me, you idiot."

He sticks his tongue out at me like a five year old and I can't help but burst into tears laughing while he starts to smile. Sometimes I find it amusing when he acts so immature, most of the time it annoys the shit out of me.

When I walk outside to get into the car to leave for Boston University I see that my stuff is packed and ready to go.

I rush back up the stairs into my room to see if I forgot anything. I see that I forgot my necklace that my boyfriend Julian got me for our two year anniversary. I kiss the heart charm and clip the necklace around my neck and race down the stairs.

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