Chapter 2

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We arrived at Boston U and our first stop was my dorm. The room is tiny and has two beds and two desks. I set my bags down on a bed that I have chosen for myself because I am assuming that my roommate is not here yet.

"Hey Lexi," my mother calls,

"we are going to your brothers dorm to drop his stuff off!"

"Okay, hold on a sec!"

I walk out of my dorm and see that my mother and Ryan are already at the end of the hall. I wonder where my father is. He probably made a new friend and got sidetracked then lost us.

Thanks for waiting I mutter to myself as I break into a jog to catch up with my mom and Ryan. When I catch up to them Ryan has already opened the door and places his suitcases on his bed. A boy on the other bed is on his phone and barely manages to grunt at us as his form of greeting. He has an amazing body. He is wearing a cutoff shirt and a pair of sweatpants that say Boston University in red and white letters.

He looks up at the same time I am staring at him and smirks. I can feel my face get red immediately and I want to hide behind my mom like I am a little kid. She walks over to my brothers bed and starts to help him take his clothes out, fold them and put them away nicely in his drawers.

"After we are done here we will help you in your dorm." my mother says with a smile.

I walk over to help my brother and mom when Ryan drops a pair of his jeans. I bend over to pick them up and in the corner of my eye I see the boy on the bed flash a look at my butt. I quickly stand up and pull my sweatshirt down over my leggings and I immediately feel my cheeks get red. I hear the boy chuckle and I go sit down at the desk in the corner that is set up the exact way mine is. The last thing I want is my brothers new roommate checking out my ass. As soon as Ryan and my mother finish unpacking, I head towards the door and wait for my mother and Ryan to stop talking to each other and hurry up because I want to leave.

I watch as the boy's eyes slowly rake up and down my body. He must have noticed me looking because he quickly looks away and his cheeks redden. My mother walks over and stands beside me and waits while Ryan tucks his suitcases away. The boy stands up and starts walking towards us and stops in front of me.

"What's your name?" He says with a devilish smile.

"Lexi." I respond barely squeaking it out.

"Cool. My name is Tyler. See you around." He flashes his handsome smile and walks away.

My stomach is doing flips in the air and I feel like I might faint. He was so attractive, he had beautiful brown eyes and dark brown hair. He had a jawline that was absolutely perfect. His jawline could probably cut diamonds.

I'm not quite sure how to feel about him though. Of course he is attractive but I wonder about his personality. Is he sweet? Funny? Or is he a complete asshole? I want to find out but at the same time I'm afraid to. He's highly intriguing.

I stared as Tyler walked down the hall and my mom caught me looking.

"Somebody has a crush!" She mocked like a middle school girl.

"I do not!" I responded with a smile on my face "I am just admiring him."

"Oh sure." she said taking her time dragging the "e" out.

It was true. I do think I might be forming a crush on him. But he was wearing sweatpants that said BU Hockey on them. My brother always told me he would never allow me to date a hockey player because they are all scumbag assholes that don't know how to treat a lady right. He looks like the kind of person that would fit that description perfectly. At the same time I can't help but daydream about us and if we could ever be. I shake the silly thought from my head and follow my brother and mom to my dorm to help me get unpacked.

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