Chapter 4 "Truth"

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"I came here today to tell you something important. I came here to tell you the real truth of your parents."

I was shocked, paralytic, felt my heart beating faster than the speed of sound, I was breathing heavily as I trembled. I wanted to know the truth, everything, but instead I...

" I don't want to hear it. Anything that's from my parents, I don't wanna hear. Do you think I was gonna be alright and understanding of their decision? They made me feel like a piece of shit... They abandoned me, they left me in the the front door of a unknown persons house and they left me! Why would they do that?"
I didn't see that coming, I didn't meant to say anything I just spat out....but something just came to me without warning.
Sir Alfred didn't react, it was like he understood was I was feeling, he came close to me and said in low tone, "I know how your feeling, it was horrible the way they abandoned you instead of caring for you as parents should, furthermore.... I was the one responsible for you the whole time. Your parents were very wealthy people and had a lot of work on their hands."
I looked at him with an alerted expression feeling kinda hopeless and confused from the situation.
"You were the one who took care of me?"
"Absolutely." He said adorning a warm smile in his face. We sat in a rock as he began discussing.
"I remember the first day you were born, you were so small. The moment I held you in my arms I knew you were gonna be a talented, warm-hearted child and grow up ready for any obstacle that comes in your way. I even remember seeing you taking your first steps. It was a wonderful moment.... It was a shame your parents weren't their to see it."
He looked at me placing a hand in my shoulder. "And why didn't my parents took care of me?" I wondered again the things my parents might hadn't done with me. 'They really sound like good parents.' I thought. Sir Alfred stared at me disappointed. "Your parents were always... They were difficult people to be precise."

"What we're my parents names?"
"Your mother was Krystal Frier, she was a sweet and beautiful young lady, but your mother was also an unfaithful woman to your father. She asked for my help to be her wingman and observe your father while she did her businesses with others. She was also an alcoholic, everyday she went to parties and waste herself, she'd come home home talking gibberish about anything and stupidities that made us sick of hearing everyday. let's say she always took the wrong choices, yet somehow she always had more money than their usual pays."
I looked at him while he kept explaining my families past while I felt my heart sank when I understood what kind of..."family" I had.
But your father Edward.... I don't have much to say about him, but I know that he was never around the house. He disappeared everyday and return late at night. One Christmas Eve he came in the house filled with bruises and covered in blood, we were all worried that night. After that night he kept leaving, doing his continuous things."
I didn't know what to do, how to react or what to say. I felt horrible, disappointed in them. Furthermore I didn't felt just angry.... I also felt kinda...glad I wasn't with them at those moments. Did my parents decision on leaving my was a sign that I wasn't gonna survive if I stayed?
"What else... do you know about them? Or... Me?" I chocked as I spoke, filling my eyes with tears and my throat got soar that it began to hurt.
"You know they are gone right?" He said and I nodded wiping my tears with my thumb.
"And do you know how they died Luca?"
I widened my eyes and looked at him.
"No, I don't. H-how did they?"
Alfred sighed and stood up placing his fingertips together as he turned around facing me and said, "Their was a fire, and they couldn't get out of the house in time. You were only six years old and you in that fire too, yet somehow you got out of there alive. I was relieved when they gave me that news. The firemen searched the whole place but they didn't find some maids or your father, but... Unfortunately your mother was already dead, she was holding a gun in her hands so I'm guessing she killed herself." I looked at him when he finished talking and I stood up placing my hands in my pockets and walked towards him. "I know she did." I said hoping to know what I was saying. "What do you mean?" Alfred doubtful giving a few steps towards me. "This is gonna sound crazy, but I've... Been having some images that appear rarely in my mind and their always the same scene. Me on the ground, a woman dead on the floor and fire around me. Do you think it's a memory I had after that incident?"
Alfred looked at me thoughtfully..." It might be, nevertheless it's the same thing that I told you that happened so it must be."
I stare at the sky, trying to analyze everything... It was difficult.
"Well I must be on my way now, it's not safe being around a close forest late at night. He said chuckling.
"Not something new you hear everyday, everyday some things get worse and worse." I added turning the opposite direction and still staring at the night sky.
"It's true my dear boy. Oh Oh! I almost forgot to tell you..... You have a brother."

My eyes got wider as I heard those words. "We shall meet again,Luca Frier." He said turning away.
"Wait a second, a bro-...."
He was gone, no single shadow of his presence around anymore.
"A brother?"

Sup fellow readers I hope you liked reading my 4th chapter, it was pretty stressful making this one.... So anyways if you liked my story so far, I would really appreciate a "like" or a simple comment on my story. You may even ask me questions or give some advice on how my next chapter could be. Thank you

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