I Know What You Did Last Tour Ch.4

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Ray pov:

We haven't really talk so I don't really know what she's about.. But from what I've seen.. She has mad swagg... Confidence and her body is bangin! plus she's beyond gorgeous.. Lets see what happens from here.

Ray- *sings* I'm trying to get to you but if I can't get through.. There's nothing I can do but...

Nay- *mouths the words* keep on missing you... *starts smiling*

Ray- *holds her on the couch*

Nay-*holds his hand* *kisses him on the cheek*

Ray- *smiles* *mumbles soft lips*... *grabs her ass*

Nay pov:

I don't know if it's me but.. Theirs thus vibe between us.. In really starting to like him... Lets hope we have a connection because THIS NIGGA A FREAK A LEAK SHITT HE CAN GET IT AT NIGHT.. Morting!*madeas voice* at BREAKFAST DUING LUNCH SHIT.. let me stop today is the lords day...

*end of pov*

Ray pov:

Our vibe right now is crazy.. I love it.. It's feel different with here.. Lets hope she thinks the same.


With dimples and roc!

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