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A.N - I can't believe this is the last chapter 😳

Rosé's POV:

A few years later...

"Oh my goodness~" I sang nervously. I tended to sing my sentences when I felt super awkward and/or nervous. I stared into my reflection and I couldn't stop readjusting my necklace.

"Rosé. Calm down. You've readjusted that necklace 37 times." I once again moved my necklace slightly to the left. "38 times."
"I'm never like this- I just... I just want everything to be perfect." I stuttered. I brushed my fingers against the sleek and soft fabric of my white dress.

"Well, I guess the veil is slightly crooked." Denali said as she stood up. She slightly moved the veil to the right and softly brushed through my hair. "You look beautiful. Eddie will love it."

"I really hope he does." I replied nervously.
"We got to go now."
I took Denali's hand as we walked to the church.
"Oh gosh- Nali... I'm so nervous!"
"It's okay, I'll be there with you."
"Oddly enough, I feel calmer." I softly giggled.
Denali gave me a warm smile and squeezed my hand.

Denali looked beautiful. She was wearing a soft pink floral short dress, her now blonde hair was styled in curls and her makeup showed off her makeup jaw dropping beauty.

"Alright, showtime." Said Denali as she let go of my hand. She was about to walk to the other bridesmaids, but I stopped her.
"Why?" I said. Denali looked confused and she turned to face me. "What do you mean 'why'?" She replied.

"Why? Why do I still have butterflies whenever I'm with you?"

Denali's eyes widened and she slowly snaked her hand out of mine.
"D-do you still have f-feelings for me?" She stammered.
Denali looked relieved for a second but soon she gained a frown.
"Rosé. You're about to get married."
"And now it feels so wrong."

I looked down to Denali's hands. "Having second thoughts too?" I said shakily.
"Sort of... yeah..." Denali fiddled with her engagement ring "Alexandra is such a sweet girl and she deserves the whole world. I don't think... I don't think I deserve her. She needs someone who will love her with all her heart, not just half."

"Gosh I feel so conflicted..." Said Denali as she sat on the bench near us.
"At least you're not the one who doesn't want to attend their own wedding..."
"My heart flutters every single time you call me that."

I brushed my fingers, caressed Denali's cheek and stared deeply in her eyes. She placed her hand on mine and pulled it down, off her face.
"Rosé. You- we can't... you're about to get married to someone else." She stood up and sighed. "And besides, if you had kissed me right then, I wouldn't have stopped you."

"Don't be sad Rosita... we'll be together in another life." Denali smiled and I blinked back my tears.
"Ok, I do really love-"
"Ah- save your 'I do' for Eddie." Denali lead me to the church's entrance. "And for the record, I love you too... with all my heart."

"We'll be together in another life."

"I do."

I looked down to my hands and I felt a small tug from my pinkie. I looked to my left to see Denali beaming as she fidgeted with her end of our red string. I gave her a warm smile and I didn't want the feeling to end.

Denali's POV:
Rosé and Eddie took their path along the aisle as everyone cheered for the newly wedded couple. I felt my throat tighten but, I still had to be happy for my best friend, my soulmate.

No matter what happened, I knew I would love Rosé forever and we were always going to be there for one another. Even if we may have been perfect for one another, not everything was meant to be. I had so much to look forward to.

Just got to move on... everything happens for a reason. I guess Alexandra was truly the one for me and Rosé wasn't. That's okay. The ones who seek love, are the ones who find it.

Maybe I had already found it.

A.N - I literally couldn't be more thankful for everyone who has read my work (we reached 2k reads🎉), I hope you all will check out my new fanfic when I publish it (it will be called 'Best Girl-Friends'). Yes it's another Rosénali story (hope that's okay lmao) ily ❤️ - Em 🦋

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