Owls? Chapter 1

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“Get Away from me you freak!” I scream as I run down the street away from a man. My once bright blue shoes are now painted a muddy brown. I stop running to turn around and see the man gone, I start to cry and visions of pain and suffering cloud my mind as I stumble down the wet street of Bristol. I look up at the sky, raindrops falling onto my face.

As I walk I see the man walk towards me with a sickening grin I scream in shock and fear and I start running, this man who tormented me for years will pay for what he did. I climb a fire escape ladder and remember that he can’t climb because of his knees, I look down to where he is standing at the base of the ladder, and a look of anger and shock is painted across his old wrinkled face.

“You stay away from me!” I yell at him before climbing more until I reach an open window in the building, I quietly climb through the open window then shut it behind me.

As soon as the window is shut I sit down on the floor and cry, memories of pain force me into a panick attack state and before I know it I’m under a desk struggling to breath. After a while I calm down and take in my dark surroundings, I appear to be in an office I can just make out some owls on a shelf,

“Owls!” I whisper, no, it couldn’t be, Hannah Rutherford’s office?

I stare at the owls for before curling up into a ball and falling asleep.


Chapter 1 done! :) I am going on holiday soon so it will be on hold until i get back, sorry.  until then i will try and upload as much as i can! comment if you have any ideas or suggestions for this story! byyeeeee

FluxifiedErin away! *fly's away on a broom*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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