Chapter 2: Monsters at Night

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Second day of this place, you recently learned that this use to be one of the Tenno Resistance base on Earth during the Orokin Empire Era. But ever since the fall, it's just the Tenno Squad's base hidden in the Plains of Eidolon. You want to explore the outside but Zero isn't going to let that happen, he's afraid you're going to get yourself captured again. So far many stealth attempts haven't worked, he was spot on to any plan you plotted.

Sitting at the corner facing it and feeling unhappy that you're stuck here, Bloom noticed this and went to Zero. "Don't you realized that the young child is upset?" Zero looked at her, "But think about the other factions wanting (her/him) for the power, I can't let that happen." Bloom put both of her hands on the Chroma's shoulders. "Zero (she/he)'s a child, let (her/him) have a bit of freedom for once. Making (Y/n) stay in this place is not gonna make them better." she told him. Zero sighed and conceed to Bloom's words, "Fine, I'll let then roam around the outside. But make sure (Y/n) doesn't go too far from base." Zero sighed and then walked over to you. "Kid, Bloom talked me into this. And she wants you to have a bit more freedom, so I'm gonna let you go outside." that made you smiled. "Remember to not wonder far from base, Grineers are still wondering in the plains." Zero told you.

The outside looked beautiful aside from the Grineer bases around, but you want to explore more. So being a sneaky little one, you decided to go further away from base. A ship arrived and a voice boomed from the door of a Grineer campsite, "OI QUIT YER WHININ' LITTLE BIRD! GET IN DA SHIP WITH ME, EITHER YA LIKE IT OR NOT!" a grumpy Grendel stomps out with a Zephyr that is a harpy being dragged. "B-But I don't want to, W-Warboss Grendel!" the Zephyr whinned, "WELL TOO BAD FOR YA, I'M YER BOSS AND YA DO AS I SAID!" the two got on the ship and it took off. Honestly you feel bad for the harpy, dealing with a guy like Grendel.

While adventuring in the Plains, you saw a pretty lake with fishes you saw the Tennos bring. You walked close an dipped your hand in there, a Charc Eel suddenly rubbed against your hand. It tries it's best not to let your hand touch it's electrical gland, you moved your hand and the Charc Eel swam away. Next to your right are the fishing spears and fish basket, 'Maybe I should bring some fish, I didn't listen to Zero about staying near the base...' you grabbed the spear and tried to catch a few fish.

After fishing up a few, it was sunsetting which means it's about to be nighttime. Running back to the base with the basket full of fishes, the sun disappeared and the moon arise. The water began to have blue specks, the sirens of the Grineer bases sounded as some kind of devices landed. Then something rise from the ground, a small creature made of sentient bones and energy. It's only one, then two, then three, then more appeared. They look very pretty at night, getting too close to them was your first mistake. The creatures began shooting at you, dodging their shots and began running away from them.

It was a full on chase, a group of those small sentient things are on your tail. You aim your hand and a beam of void evergy hit one of them, breaking their physical form and it charged at you unfortunately. But luckily enough, it crashed into the device from a Grineer camp. It gave you an idea, you sneak in and hacked into the devices systems quickly. Good thing those small balls of energy are distracted by the Grineers, you finished hacking it and it follows you. Gathering the creature's energy up and storing in the device, but a big energy spiked nearby and something huge rise from the ground. It roared and spotted you, your legs can't move from the fear you are having.

It swung it's arm at you, closing your eyes and wait for the impact. It never came, you reopen them to see a strange creature carrying you away from the titan creature. It looks zombie and bug like, more like an infested you read about. Upon reading the Orokin notes in Zero's room, there were experiments with technocytes. A spore-like organism that can infect corpses and reanimate them into mutated zombies, thus creating a hivemind race called 'Infesteds' as a mistake. Then they try on living tennos, the results are different than the last. It seems like the experiment caused to create a whole new warframe, one they called 'Nidus'.

The Nidus ran into the cave and waited for the giant beastto pass by, you felt very sleepy from everything that happened. And figuring out that night isn't very safe in the Plains, best thing is to sleep in the cave until sunrise. Closing your eyes into a deep sleep, the Nidus summoned it's maggots to lookout for anything that can be hostile. It put you down and then circled around you until the infested tenno laid next to you, it sleeps as well like a kubrow.

You woke up and light hits your eyes, it's morning which means it's safe now. Seeing the sleeping Nidus there, memories of last night hits the back of your head. Thinking of a way to thank that nice tenno for protecting you, then you remembered the fishes in the fish basket. Going outside to gather some sticks and using flint and stone to start a fire. Cooking up a few Mawfishes and Charc Eels, the Nidus yawned and sniffed the air. "Morning Mr. Nidus! I made breakfast!" you handed a cooked Mawfish on a Stick and the infested tenno took it. You took your cooked Charc Eel, the two of you enjoyed breakfast in silent.

((Hi fellas! The book is not dead! So what happened is that I lost interest in continuing, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT with sparks of hope and after playing The New War quest and Veilbreaker make me want to continue it again. And this will have something that is from an rp thing me and a friend did on Warframe like Warboss Grendel. Warboss Grendel is a character my friend made for out WF bullshit, basically based off of an Ork Warboss from WH40k. They also made a thing where tennos can join factions like Grineers and Corpuses and probably Sentients *cough cough* Hunhow as well. With that, it can make the story not be so boring. Hope you enjoy reading this! I'll see y'all later! Trash out! *jumps in the trash can*))

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