Chapter 9.

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"Look, Mani told me a little bit about what you said last night," Tori started, sitting criss-crossed across Ally on the couch. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to comfort you."

They were trying to have a relaxing day since class were cancelled for the day, which was good because the girl's needed their breather. Normani was out on a date with Dinah and Lauren hadn't shown up to the girl's dorm since yesterday, to which Ally was both grateful and sad about.

Ally just smiled understandingly and reached out for Tori's hand, "It's fine, I hadn't told anyone else other than Normani and well you, of sorts. I knew you'd listen as well."

"Yeah but still, I should have been there for emotional support like a real friend would," Tori frowned, "I know you'd be there for me if I needed it."

"You're right, I would. But Tori, you being yourself around me is enough of an emotional support to me. You're cheery and carefree personality helps me realize that life is still something to look up to and that I'm still capable of being gentle with everything," Ally smiled, "I'm thankful that you're my friend, Tori."

Tori couldn't hold back herself from throwing herself on the girl, wrapping her arms around the girl and her cheek planted on Ally's cheek. "I love you, Als."

Ally laughed and gave her friend a pat on the shoulder and a squeeze, "I love you too, Tori."

The hug lasted for a quite a few before Tori pulled them both to a better position, "C-Can you tell me about the second time you fell in love? T-To maybe, you know, help you relieve a little bit more tense of your mind? But I understand if you don't want to."

Tori heard the girl sigh, "I guess it's time I let it out. . .but just know that what you're gonna hear isn't really a child friendly story."

"Did. . .Did you just call me childish?" Tori asked blankly.

"Kind of," Ally laughed, "But I'm really serious, this isn't a typical type of toxic relstionship."

"Toxic? Are you talking about Troy?" Tori furrowed her brow.

"Yes," Ally nodded, wiggling a bit and turned her face to Tori's chest for comfort. "At first he was a great guy, I met him a year after Will died. He was kind and very gentlemanly, he had impressed my parents and even became one of my brother's very close friends, he asked permission from him to take me out on a date. Brandon agreed quickly and tried to set me up with him, I haven't completely moved on from Will but with how smooth and caring Troy acted towards me, I just fell for him really fast. My broken heart thought it found it's healer, it was wrong, very very wrong."

"What happened?" Tori frowned, running her hand through the girl's blonde hair soothingly.

"My heart fell in love with him, that's what happened. I fell hard to the point where I had done everything he said just to make sure I could have him, I got manipulated. At first it was just him threatening to leave me amd that no one would love me again with how broken I was, he manipulated me into believing I was actually worthless. I didn't really care for anything anymore other than being loved, to feel that love I felt with Will again. I just thought what I was going through was normal for a relationship, Troy would always make up for his bad side. He'd take me out on dinner dates and give me little gifts at random moments just like Will did. Our toxic relationship took course for over half a year until it got worse." Ally sighed, hugging Tori tighter as once again, her memories flashed in her mind.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to, we can finish this next time," Tori rubbed the girl's arm but Ally shook her head. Both girls knew they needed to get things out there minds, Ally needing it the most.

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