Pinkie, AppleBloom, and Tatertot looked at each other in confusion. Pinkie and AppleBloom looked around the room, starting to have second thoughts about killing other beings. A couple of tears drop from their eyes as they finally had a reality check. AppleBloom looked at Watermelon in sorrow. "I-I-I don't know!" she cried. Pinkie hugged the small filly and they both cried as they slowly fell to the floor.
Tatertot hung her head. She looked around silently. Watermelon looked at her. Tatertot walked over to her with a slight grin and placed her hoof on Watermelon's shoulder. Tatertot looked up at her. "Why do we do this?" she restated as she gestured to the room. Pinkie and AppleBloom looked up at Watermelon with evil-like smiles.
Watermelon grew concerned and frightened. They rose from the floor to stand beside Tatertot with their evil grins. Tatertot leaned near Watermelon's ear. "...because we don't have to feel the pain." she whispered.
Cupcakes- We Get in on the Fun
Horrori have am making a comic about this and i thought it would be easier to have the story itself first