Hold On For Your Life

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Hold On For Your Life

"What is it?" Chris demanded, coming over, Alicia following, brow furrowing.

"Them," Nick choked out, slumping against the sill, face bloodless, "out - outside."

"One of them is heading for the house," Lourdes said, making for the door, lifting up the still wrapped shotgun from the table as she moved, "we – we need to stop it."

"Give me that," Alicia snapped, snatching the package from Lourdes's fingers, quickly tearing the tape and canvas off it. "You couldn't hit a barn door" -

Nick suddenly yelled, reeling back from the window, the curtain falling back into place, but not before they all saw a ravaged face pressed against the glass.

"Out, now!" Chris yelled, shoving Lourdes in front of him, Alicia right behind her. "Come on, Clark!" he bellowed at Nick, who was just standing there, staring at the window, listening to the creature clawing at the glass with its dead fingers.

Nick shook his head, before turning and tearing out of the room, moving at an odd half limping, half running gait, Chris hard on his heels, catching up with the girls by the front door. All four flung themselves in the direction of the fruit cage, ducking their heads as they dove within, the leaves from the trailing vines tangling in their hair, a nail catching on Nick's slacks, tearing the fabric as he jerked his leg free.

Chris clambered over the fence first, knocking over one of the trashcans as he did, almost falling off it. When he was on the other side, Alicia carefully handed him the shotgun, before allowing him to help her over the fence in turn. As Alicia then dropped down onto the ground, Lourdes climbing up after her, almost losing her balance as she perched precariously atop the askew trashcan, a shout suddenly shattered the eerie silence, making Lourdes's head snap up. Outside their house, Travis was wrestling with a man, Madison suddenly appearing between the French doors behind him, brandishing a baseball bat.

"Dad!" Lourdes screamed. "Dad!"

"DAD!" Chris yelled, starting forwards with the shotgun, only for Alicia to grab him by the scruff of the neck.

"Give me the goddamn gun!" Alicia screeched, snatching it from Chris, who staggered back, Alicia no longer caring about being careful. She ran towards the house, just as Madison rushed forwards, bringing the baseball bat down on the man's back, momentarily sending him sprawling.

"What about the shells!?" Nick yelled, gripping the fence for support . "Where are the fucking shells!?"

Chris paled. "The house," he said stupidly, "they're still in the house" -

At this, Lourdes flung herself back over the fence, nearly crashing into Nick, the two of them then tearing down the crazy paving path, Nick clutching his side, sweat dripping down his ashen face. Lourdes burst into the house, rushing through the rooms, her foot catching on the corner of a carpet, sending her crashing into a sewing machine. Righting herself, she grabbed the wall, propelling herself onwards, Nick hard on her heels, panting for breath. The two of them finally staggered into the living room, Nick immediately ransacking the room again, cursing wildly under his breath as he did.

Gasping, Lourdes made for the mantelpiece, nearly tripping over her own feet again. "Here!" she cried, finding an ornate carved box, flipping the lid open, revealing the cardboard box of shells within. But as she did, the box fell through her fingers, scattering the shells like confetti.

"Jeesh, be careful with that shit, man!" Nick bellowed, rushing over to her.

Ignoring him, Lourdes dropped to her knees, snatching the cardboard box up, before dumping it on the nearby table, Nick kneeling down beside her, hastily scooping up the loose shells, his hand accidentally brushing hers, making Lourdes jerk her own hand back.

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