Travel time!

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(Kaminaris prov)

I woke up to someone banging on my door like it was the end of the world.

"Alright I'm coming!"

I yelled as I got up and walked to my door. I opened to to see Jirou. She was wearing a black hoodie with blue ripped jeans. She instantly ran into my room while grabbing my things.


She yelled. Fuck. I totally forgot to set my alarm clock. She grabbed a yellow hoodie and black pants from my closet and threw them at me.

"There now hurry up so we don't miss the god dam bus!"

She yelled as she took my things and waited for me to get dress. Why did she come and get me. She could of been on the bus waiting but she came and got me. But what if we miss it if I'm not fast enough. Ugh why cant I get something right in my life. I quickly started getting changed and grab anything else I needed. I came out with Jirou waiting for me as she handed me my bags.

"Come on we only got a minute to catch it!"

She yelled as we both ran to the bus. When we got in it, everyone was waiting for my slow ass to get here.


Bakugou yelled as I rubbed the back of my head nervously. There was only one empty seat near the back so Jirou and I sat beside each other.


Jirou said as she held up a granola bar.

"Eat it! You didn't have time to have breakfast this morning so take it!"

She demanded.

"Thanks and why did you come and get me. You could of missed the bus because of me and you would miss out on the vacation."

I asked as she looked up.

"Well I was heading out to the bus when Mina texted me saying that you weren't there and that Sero hasn't even seen you all day so I was confused why you weren't here. She asked me to look to see where you were and sure enough you were still sleeping. But I wasn't surprised that you didn't set you alarm clock because you haven't asked Ida to borrow a pair of glasses yet."

She giggled as I elbowed her in the shoulder.

"Geez your acting like your my mother."

I sighed as she laughed.

"Well someone has to keep you on your feet."

She teased as we just talked for a little while. I never gotten this close to Jirou ever. We are really good friends but we never talked for like a straight two hours long. I really enjoyed listening to what her interests were and how she grew up with an amazing family. She was telling me about how she grew up with music and it's so important to her because she doesn't want her family to be disappointed in her. This side of her was really cute. Wait what no she's just a friend! Why would I think that- ahh never mind. We arrived at the airport as one by one we all got off the bus.

"Alright class we all stick together and don't go wandering off until we get to our number in the airport."

Mr. Aisawa said as I looked confused. Number what does that mean? Well for starters I have never been on a plane let alone in an airport before so people can't say I'm dumb for not knowing what it is! Everyone started walking in the airport as I followed. Number, our number, hmmm, ahhh I cant figure it out!

A trip of a life time (Kamijirou fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now