The date

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After the day with your brother you came back to the base to see Shigaraki holding out your favorite flowers he is also in a suit and slightly blushing as he says "h-hey y/n will you go out with me... i like you a lot and want to be your boyfriend so please go out with me?" You start crying happy tears and look at your brother who gave you a soft smile and nodded. You then run and hug Shigaraki which knocks you both down you then laugh and say "yes yes a thousand times yes!!" He then hugs you making sure he isn't putting 5 fingers down on you. Shigaraki then smiles at you and says in a very soft tone "good meet me at the cherry blossom garden tomorrow and wear something nice ok" you reply in a tired voice because the exhaustion got to you "mhm will do, now night night" you then fall asleep on Shigaraki. This caused him to chuckle and take you to bed and then he dose the same. The next day you asked Toga to help you get dressed you end up wearing this

 The next day you asked Toga to help you get dressed you end up wearing this

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Or this

If you don't like either than you can make up oneYou get to the garden and that us when you see Shigaraki under a cherry blossom tree in front of a koi fish pond with a picnic filled with your favorite foods

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If you don't like either than you can make up one
You get to the garden and that us when you see Shigaraki under a cherry blossom tree in front of a koi fish pond with a picnic filled with your favorite foods. You smile and walk over to him and cover his eyes and say "who is it?" Shigaraki replied "hmm is it a amazing person named y/n?" You uncover his eyes and walk in front of him and smiled "yep it is hey" Shigaraki smiled as well "hey you ready?" "Of course!!" You then sat down next to Shigaraki and ate the food as you two talked and learned more about each other. After that Shigaraki took you to a carnival you have been talking about since  last month. He took you to ride every roller coaster  and he even won you a cute bunny

At the end if the day they went to the  Ferris wheel it was getting dark and the sky was a beautiful mix of colors while you and Shigaraki were at the top he says " you know you shouldn't be with me I will just hurt you

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At the end if the day they went to the  Ferris wheel it was getting dark and the sky was a beautiful mix of colors while you and Shigaraki were at the top he says " you know you shouldn't be with me I will just hurt you. I understand if you wan-" you then force him to look at you and kiss him very Passionately his eyes widen but shortly after he kisses you back. You guys then pull apart at the same time you then give a stupid happy smile then lay your head on his shoulder and enjoy the view of the sky while Shigaraki enjoys staring at you with the same stupid smile. You guys then go back to the base happy until....

I know guys hate when I do this but cliff hanger 😁 anyways I should post the next part simi soon so the wait shouldn't be to long. Love you guys bye!!!

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