I'll always be there (ReaderXSam) Imagine

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Imagine: Crowley captures you. You're missing for a week until the Winchester's find you, beaten and bloody.

You awake in an unfamiliar, dark place. Your head is throbbing as you take a look around and take in your surroundings. You realize that you're foot is chained to a cement wall, which also surrounds you, with the exception of a small window. There are chains around your wrists as well, which are attached to the wall too, but low enough to where you can touch the ground. At your outstretched feet, there is a tray.

You don't realize how thirsty you are until the water on the tray is seen. Barely reaching, you manage to grab the bottle of water and drink half of it in two seconds. Right when you reach for the sandwich, you hear footsteps from down the hall. A man comes in the room with a stadistic smile on his face. "So, Y/L/N," he flashes his black eyes before continuing, "sorry to ruin the family parade, but the demon's need some dirt."

"Yeah?" you reply and give a chuckle, "Why don't you just get it from Hell? I bet there's plenty of dirt there."

The demon's smile disappears and your comment earns you a punch straight to the jaw. "I suggest that you keep the sarcasm to your self and give me some respect if you value your life." The demon replies, switching his facial expression to a mischevious grin.

The grin makes your insides crawl with disgust.. "I don't have to answer anything." That lands you another punch to the face, which you return as hard as possible with chained hands. He raises his arm again but the door opens and another demon walks in with ropes.

You fight as hard as you can but the demons' grips are too tight. They bind your arms and legs together then continue to tie you to the chair. "So," the first demon says as the other leaves the room, "you feel like speaking now? Or are we going to have to use some persuasion."

You let out a forced laugh, "Go to Hell. Oh wait. . ." A sly smirk makes it's way across your face.

The demon pulls a knife from behind it's back, "I've already been. Why do you think I'm here with you now? Crowley's orders need to be fufilled." He says and brings the blade to your cheek.

You jerk your head away from it, but the demon forces it back, drawing blood this time. Then everything goes black.


"Yes Sam, I'm looking as hard as I can. There's nothing that I can find that suggests a lead on where she is. Did you hack her phone to see if it's still on?" Dean says with a strong voice. There's moments that I can tell he's worried though.

"Yeah," I sigh, "dead end. There's no results so it's either dead, turned off, or broken. Dean, it's been three days. What if-" he cuts me off.

"C'mon man, don't start thinking like that. Y/N wouldn't want you giving up on he, would she?" I shake my head, then realize that I'm talking on the phone, not in person.

"You're right. Keep looking and I'll try to find something. Anything." He says okay then hangs up the phone. I sigh and set my own on the table in front of me.


We'll get there Y/N, I promise. Sulfer was left where she was taken, so at least we know it was a demon. But I've been tortured by demons, and it's not fun. I can almost imagine it going on. The slashing, the screaming, the pain-

STOP! I yell at myself. Y/N would want me to focus; want me to do research.

I shake my head, making my hair flow all over my face and glue my eyes back to the computer.

The strange thing about this place, Wichita, Kansas, is that there's been no signs of demonic activity or omens of any sorts. We had found something that had been suspicious at the time, but it was a bust.

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