A New World

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The next thing I remember was waking up on a big grass field, filled with a bunch of different types of flowers. Where was I?
I clearly remembered being at home, and opening my mothers old book. Maybe it was a dream.
No! It defenetly wasn't a dream. So many thoughts were going through my mind, and i could barely stand up. I looked around trying to see where I was. A massive tree was standing behind me. I was still laying down, but I decided sit up, and gain consciousness."Hello?" I said, hoping someone would hear me. Nobody answered. "Is anybody here?" Still no answer.
Then it happened. A loud car noise came out of nowhere, and I looked up just to see a motorcycle flying, heading right towards me. "This has to be a dream" I thought. The motorcycle started to come closer, and I ran as fast as I could. Through all the flowers, and the grass. I could feel my pulse rising. I looked back, and the motorcycle was right behind me. I could smell the old scrappy paint, and suddenly a dark voice yelled: "Why are you running?!" I turned back and saw no one but a giant chasing me in a flying motorcycle! "Who are you?!" I yelled
"I'm Hagrid of course!"
"W- What?"
I stopped running for a bit. Of course I had read the Harry Potter books, but this felt too real to be a dream. Had I in some way been transferred to the Harry Potter world? I mean a flying motorcycle isn't something you see every day.
The motorcycle was already so close, I couldn't escape.
Hagrid stopped the motorcycle centimetres away from me. I was about to faint. I just wanted to be back home. Home, where my family was. Was this how my mom disappeared?
"Why are ya just standing? Hop inside!"
"Where are you taking me?!"
"Hogwarts of course!" The giant said with a smile on his face. "Is this some kind of joke?" I asked
This definitely felt real, but I couldn't imagine it being. "Just hop in, I'll show you" he said
I was losing all my hope, and I had no way to find back, so I didn't have a choice, but to trust the giant, Hagrid. This felt surreal. How did I end up here? This is a whole other universe, and not just that! It is from a book!
"Alright, I'll join you" I said. Hagrid opened the door, and I got inside. "You can just sit in the passenger seat. I mean unless you wanna get squished." Hagrid pointed at his jacket. "Put that on in case you are cold." The jacket was way too big for me, so I used it as a blanket instead. I went over, sat in the passenger seat, and put Hagrid's jacket over me. When I thought about it, Hagrid wasn't very big of a giant. When I read the books, I had always imagined him being as tall as a building, but he was probably about 8 feet tall.
"How did u know I was here?" I asked him. I was very tired, and i still felt sick, but a long stream of questions, that i really wanted an answer to, was more important than sleeping "Dumbledore said I'd find you here, and he told me to bring you to Hogwarts with Harry." Hagrid looked at me, and stated: "I never got to know your name"
"It's s Elena" i said, while fighting not to fall asleep. And before I knew it, my eyes closed, and I was sleeping.

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