All For the Better?

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"And cut! Alright everyone, rap it up."

Ever since BFB ended, everyone started to move on with their lives. Flower and Gelatin's business was doing really well, Teardrop became a comic book author, and Firey and Leafy finally found their dream island.

As for me, I now help Blocky and Woody with their show. I usually end up working the camera, but sometimes I make an appearance on camera. We work in the abandoned TV studio, and even moved in there. The show's been doing really well, and even some of our old teammates that are on TPOT watch it.

Blocky and Woody are very fun to work with! I would have never imagined it in a million years before the split, but now, it's one of the best things that could have happened.

"Hey Tacster, could you move those out of the way," Blocky said.

"Sure." I got to work and started moving some of our props we use for the show.

Blocky and I didn't really start on good terms at first, mostly because of the way he treated Woody. But now, the two of us, and Woody, are really good friends, and he actually is a really cool guy to hang with.

"Uh, g-uys, I'm hungry," Woody said.

"Same here, you guys wanna head to the steakhouse," I asked.

"Sounds good," Blocky said.

The steakhouse was around a ten minute walk from here. We walked over there and were greeted by Lollipop. Her, Ruby, and Bubble often help out with the Steakhouse and fashion store, and even Teardrop sometimes has time to help out when she isn't busy.

"Hey guys, let me get you a table!" Lollipop got us a table and we sat down. Within 3 minutes, Gelatin came to take our orders.

"Let me guess, the chicken salad for Woody, the BBQ bacon burger for Taco, and the lobster Mac and cheese for Blocky?"

"Yup!" The three of us have some pretty pritictable orders.

"Alright, thanks for stopping by guys!"

"No problem Gelatin," Blocky said.

The entire BFB cast that remained after the split are very close. We talk and check in with eachother all the time. However, I'm really close with Blocky and Woody.

But sometimes, I wanna be more than just friends with Blocky. Around a month ago, I started developing a huge crush on him. I haven't told anyone about it though. I know I will tell him when the time is right.

"Here are some waters for the table you guys," Gelatin said.

"Thank you," Woody said. We all drank our waters.

"So what do you think the plan should be for the next episode," Blocky said.

"I don't know, maybe helping someone get over the fear of being alone? I know Bubble has isolophobia, and I think it would be nice to help her out," I suggested.

"Yeah," Woody said.

"Nice thinking Tacster," Blocky said. "We should give her a call tommorow to see if she's interested."

"Sounds like a plan," I said. I love how our show has helped out so many people, like Flower getting over her fear of bugs, and helping Gelatin become less claustrophobic. It's been very rewarding to see everyone getting over their fears.

A few minutes later, our food arrived. I took a big bite out of my burger.

"Taco, how the heck do you manage to eat that whole burger, that things ginormous," Blocky asked. I just shrugged at him in response. After a bit, we were all done with our food.

"Man, this burger never gets old." We got the check and headed back to the TV studio.

I went into the main room, and plopped on to the Couch after a long day. I began to think, as I usually do after a long day. I think about all that's happened in the past year or two. The split, leaving some of my good friends, making some new ones. I still keep in touch with some of my old friends through text or occasionally calling them, but we haven't seen each other in person since the split. It's hard to believe that I ended up where I am, but is it really for the better?


"Ah! Oh, it's just you." Blocky took a seat next to me on the couch.

"What have you been thinking about."

"To be honest, everything."

"Define what everything is."

"Just, you know, all the stuff that's happened over the past few years. The whole thing where I abandoned everyone, then leaving to come here, then meeting you. It's all kinda crazy, and kinda hard to believe. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be with some of my old friends."

"I think that too sometimes. When my and my friends were on separate teams in BFB, I didn't know if we would stay close. And we did,until the split. Then I meet you and everything kinda fell into place. I saw that Eraser and Pen are back together on TPOT, and I wonder what it would be like if I went with 2."

"I guess we'll never know, however, when I look back, I don't think I ever needed those girls on my own team, you know."

"I feel you."

"It's like, I feel like I have more freedom now, especially since the compition is over. I feel like I can live my life now."

"Same, for 11 years I've been in and out of competing, and now I just get to relax and am able to work on this show with you and Woody." The two of us smiled at each other.

Blocky didn't seem like someone I ever would want to befriend, but now he's someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

But I think to myself: does he want to spend the rest of his life with me?

Yay! I've been meaning to get this out for months and I finally did! I'm so exited to start writing this book! This is one of my favorite ships ever and I have so much in store for this! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and stay tuned for the many more chapters to come!

- Sunny

Lights, Camera, Adventure! (A Blocky x Taco BFB Story)Where stories live. Discover now