chapter 1:introduction to the multiverse

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6:00pm- Movie theater

Juno:"i'm bored...hmm,I got it I'll bring them here to watch some with me,I wonder if jirachi would come to?".

*snaps team rwby,team jnpr, ozpin,Glynda,qrow,Salem,summer,
Winter,and ironwood*

Everyone:"ow,where am i?!"

Weiss:"get off me you dolt"

Ruby:"sorry...uncle qrow!"

Yang:"uncle Qrow!"

Ozpin:"Salem did you do this"


Salem:"nope,so I can assume you didn't do this either".

Ozpin:"no I didn't"

Juno:"alright Everyone settle down and hey mom how you doing".


Juno:"yup i'm your son from another universe Here's my bio".

Juno Schnee
Gender: Male/Female
Age: 19
Hair Color: Silkly silver white. Eye color: Golden with ice blue rims. Height: 5'8''
Skills: Is a grandmaster and martial arts such as wing Chung And muy Thai,karate,jujitsu,while also being at grandmaster level with a scythe,that turns into Bow and arrow
Semblance: The ability to turn into any person that they know, able to mimic appearance and voice but not others' semblances.
Backstory: Is the child of Jacquez Schnee and Salem herself. The two got drunk one night, and it ended up resulting in Juno. Salem cared for the young boy/girl and raised him/her to be a great warrior. Juno wants to find the other half of his/her faimily someday.
Personality: Due to their semblance, Juno has split personalities. One is calm, serious, and often willing to tear someone apart with little thought. The other is carefree, innocent, and very friendly.


Winter&Weiss:"So you're our brother/sister from another universe?".

Juno:"unfortunately,my full name is Juno Schnee Link,you can just call me link or Juno I don't really care".

Juno:"Today I brought you guys here to watch the multiverse and if you think it's not real then how why would you think that the brother gods is real".

Juno:"if you don't believe me you can ask mom or your headmaster if you really wanted to isn't that right ozma, Glenda,Qrow".

[RWBY]:Multiversal Juno Schnee Link ReactionWhere stories live. Discover now