There are four fanclans that I've made up, LeafClan, CreekClan, CanyonClan and LakeClan. CanyonClan is started but is still open for characters, and another warrior or two and apprentices would be helpful. They all live on different sides of the main river, which starts at a small lake and flows into several small creeks.
CanyonClan, obviously, lives in a big canyon that takes up most of the space on the side of the left side of the river. Their territory is biggest, because it has less prey than others. CanyonClan cats are similar to SkyClan, with strong hind legs and long fur. They eat mostly birds and some mice. LeafClan lives in the thick forest on the bottom right side of the river. They are good at climbing trees, and eat mice, voles, and birds.
CreekClan lives at the bottom of the map, where the river flows into four smaller creeks. They mostly eat small fish, and they have sleek, silky fur. They are powerful swimmers but only swim if they have to. LakeClan cats live at the lake at the top of the map. The lake is small, much smaller than the one in the books, so it supplies a good amount of forest territory surrounding it. The forest isn't as thick as LeafClan's, so the prey there is mostly birds. LakeClan cats eat fish and birds. They enjoy swimming, but aren't as good at it as CreekClan cats. They have soft, sleek fur.
Warriors roleplay- open
FanfictionA rp, Using four fanclans. It has started in one clan and I will start the others when I think there are enough characters.