New Pieces (5)

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NOTE: This chapter is a bridge chapter, but it's important for what will happen in the future. And the original author, Evelin, left a little note – "Checkmate is clearly a hot fic, it will have a lot of smut and naughty scenes, so I want to warn people that don't enjoy that. Don't expect less smut, or romance full of clinginess. The first chapter was clear with the intentions of the fic, obviously the fic develops around the whole crime/police theme. But for those who didn't like it because of the amount of smut, don't try to read Checkmate. – Evelin"


Son Chaeyoung's Point Of View

I poured another good amount of hot coffee in my cup. I would need it if I wanted to keep myself focused enough on my reasoning. On the desk was all the documentation gathered by Park Jihyo and me. After a few hours in the technical information center, Jihyo was still trying to decipher the system's codification, in the vague attempt to get any information that would lead us to a suspect.

-The system manager got in touch with you?

-Yes, he said he'd come to the precinct tomorrow to give testimony. But advanced that according to them, only one person can have the password that has full access to the system.

-But they as owners, have access to anything in system. – I said taking another sip of coffee.

-I don't believe they would shoot themselves in the foot. If the system is proved faulty, they would have to pay a millionaire fine to the owner of the company. – Jihyo spoke as she turned her chair towards me.


-Yes, according to the contract made, if the system shows any flaw, the security company will have to pay the amount stolen and a very high fine.

-But for that they would have to file a lawsuit, proving that the system failed.

-Yes, true.

Jihyo touched with the back of the pencil on the corner of her temple, as she thought about the situation.

-It wouldn't be that hard. A good way to get a nice amount of money.

-I don't think Young needs that. – the shorter one said staring at me, probably thinking that that idea was absurd.

-Why not? These men tend to always want more than they have.

-True, I've seen many cases. But why would he call the police to investigate?

-Strategies. I'm not saying he stole it! I just think that in the middle of all this, everyone is a suspect.

Jihyo shrugged and turned her attention back to the system.

-I have an idea! – I said when I sat next to her.

-Spill it.

-You are going through all that data, but you aren't finding absolutely anything. We could put an IP tracker. We'll register all the IP's of Young Enterprises, and any different IP that enters the system will automatically be informed.

-That is a great idea, Chaeyoung! But I don't think the person who stole the money gets in so easily. And if she did, she would mask it easily.

-I know, Jihyo. But we can interfere with that, while she's in our network. We need to be fast, to get information while the person is online.

-You think that would work?

-Yes! Five hundred thousand dollars is probably not a sufficient amount for whom stole it, she will hack again, and then we'll get the IP, and we'll find out from where the person is.

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