
437 10 12

Warning/ panic attack, child abuse.
Word count: 2,207

Why does he feel so out of place? It's like he's a marker without a lid, Miya wonders these such things on a daily basis. There isn't a day that goes by without these thoughts plaguing his mind, why can't he just have normal thoughts like all the rest of his classmates?

Miya sites at his desk in math class gazing out the window. His teacher never makes sure he's playing attention, because he gets perfect scores on all of his tests. Some kids snicker and make fun of him for that, like calling him a robot. He's not a robot. Their just jealous because they can't be as smart as him. Miya visibly scoffs at that. The bell rings indicating their dismissed.

Miya's scared, no he's terrified last night he made his parents angry. Miya's pretty sure he has abandonment issues, because of Takashi. So since Reki's been ignoring him and shoved him out of the way you can bet Miya's terrified of being left alone again. He thought he might have been delusional and imagined it, but the purple bruise on his shoulder says otherwise. He probably didn't mean to shove him that hard, did he?

Miya woke his parent in middle of the night with his sobs. He tried to silence them he really did, but he couldn't help the powerfully painful sobs that racked throughout his small body.

His mom only slapped him, but they promised he should suffer more the following day. Miya's hand shakes pausing right before opening the door. Should he not go in? No what's he thinking he can't avoid it. Might as well get it over with. He takes a deep breath, and opens the door.

Just two steps in, and he hears the horrendously familiar voice of his mother. "Miya front room now!" The tone of her voice is demanding. It's a tone that indicates if he doesn't listen there will be severe consequences. Though Miya knows if he listens or not the outcome will be painful.

Miya walks painfully slow to his front room, a front room he should call cozy, the only thing he'd call it is terrifying. The only time he sits on the couch is for punishment. "Sit!" Miya jumps frightened but nonetheless obeys. "Put your arms out." She's angry, she's really angry. Miya wonders if she isn't even mad at him, all he did was awake her. Sure anyone would be angry if their kids woke them up, but not this angry. Miya thinks she just likes to hit him to take all her anger out. His mom, and dad fight all the time, which makes both of them always angry. Of course they need a way to take their frustrations out, Miya puts his arms out.

She grabs a ruler form the shelve, Miya tenses he always tenses when he sees that damn thing. "Remember this is your fault not mine, if you would just keep your damn mouth shut when we are trying to sleep this wouldn't happen." She delivers the first hit, Miya winces. It leaves a red mark and a dueling sting. He knows there will be many more. She delivers the second hit, followed by a third. Miya makes a pained noise.

"Shut up you stupid pathetic child," each word earns another hit, there's now nine red blotches on his arms. She usually does 20, she hits him again, again, again, again, again, again, and again. His arms are almost all red, each hit seems to be more fierce, and more painful. Another hit, Miya finds counting the hits makes it easier to cope, it's a distraction and his hopes grow as it progresses. The more hits the closer he is to being done, another hit is delivered. That's eighteen she usually does 15 to twenty, another hit. Miya bites his lip, and bounces his foot, he lets out more winces as the next two are delivered.

Twenty one, twenty one hits? She hits him five more times, Miya looks into her eyes all he sees is pure hatred, she's not done and she's not going to be done any time soon. Five more hits, Miya wants to scream the pains getting unbearable, five more hits. Thirty six hits, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty hits, forty one hits. The numbers go up as she ruthlessly hits her pained son. "M-mom stop." Miya whimpers, she doesn't spare him a glance. "Mom s-stop stop, it's too much, m-mom it hurts. Miya's cheeks are painted with tears.

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