First Day

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⚠️trigger for self harm and depression⚠️

Y/n pov

I woke up in my bed in my empty house. I thought about how my parents,siblings,grandparents,goldfish,aunt,uncle all died in the  car (that poor car 😔🤚) crash before I was born.

I get out of bed and start to streach my arms and legs. I look at my small 0.4 foot body. I sigh and play with my golden blonde past the shoulders hair. I walk to my bathroom and take a shower. i finsh and dry myself off. I put my hair into a messy bun. I put on a quick outfit, a oversixed black hoodie, black Addias leggings and some boots. I like whearing hoodies becuse they hide my scars... I have scars all over my body becuse I'm depressed. I'm Broken.

Time skip.

I walk to school, walking around to the backdoor to avoid the Populour girls.
I bump into Emily anyway since she was walking towards a closet with her boyfriend Jack. She growled at me anyway and shoved me roughly into a locker(#justiceforthelocker), she screamed at me, "Omg your such a Freak Y/N. You dont belong here! Your so ugly and useless!" She then kicks me and walks away. I groan and start to walk away to class trying to get this day over with. Im used to being bullyed by the populour girls. I sit down at my seat in class. My desk is at the back of has graffite all over it by the populour girls. The words Freak,useless,whore,ugly,pathic,disgusting,gross and weirdo are whirten all over it. (R.i.p the desk 😔)

The teacher comes in and yells at me to shut the fuck up even though i wasnt talking. He starts class so i take out my notebook and binder.

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