A Day With Wilbur Robinsom

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"Everyday we have fun, me and Wilbur
So happy to be here with the Robinsons!"

The Hamada Garage-2030

The bright light roughly woke up Wilbur.

"Ugh, Some people are trying to sleep here!" Wilbur grumbled as he got up from the aqua blue and seats of the time machine, Wilbur hadn't slept that well as it was rather cold without blankets and the seats weren't the best for Sleeping.

"You know it's 2pm right?" Hiro shouted

"Still!" The lanky teenager groggily climbed out of the Time machine and onto the floor below.

"So what's the plan for today?" Wilbur asked Hiro, his voice tired and not exactly there to his usual output.

"Well the Virus can be removed from the Chip but it will take special equipment which I don't have, actually"  Hiro said, even sounding surprised at himself.

"So is there somewhere we can get the equipment?"  Wilbur asked leaning downwards, He was one head taller than Hiro after all.

"A little store nearby has all the Equipment necessary actually but we'll have to wait for the 'professionals' to take care of it" Hiro said with some bitterness in his voice,

'I could easily just pick up the equipment and use it for its intended purpose but nooo! And all just because I'm  14' Hiro complained mentally.

Wilbur quickly picked up Hiro's bitterness.

"Hey, we can still go eat? Right? I'm Starving"

"Yeah I guess"

And so the boys headed out of the Garage (the time machine standing in the entrance forced them to crouch below the wing) And into the Streets of San Fransokyo and Wilbur realized Why San Fransokyo was regarded as the Technology capital of the world Aside from Todayland as he walked alongside Hiro

The Streets and buildings looked like the architecture and general look of metropolitan cities and Japanese aesthetics were mashed together, much to pleasing results. Wilbur looked all around, wide-eyed and adventurous.

'How could I have missed out on this?' Although Wilbur Robinson took pride in the fact that he  was considered a very Mischievous and Adventurous boy, often being found in places he shouldn't have really been if anyone took an eye off him for just one second, he had several adventures thru the whole world and the whole of time but he had somehow missed out on San Fransokyo, Time to fix that.

"So what exactly is the place?" Wilbur asked while Hungrily Scouting For Restaurants that caught his attention, there were several and Wilbur Stared at them until he couldn't.

"Just a Tech Shop where I get most of my stuff, pretty good too except that they don't even let me near the DeleVirus" Hiro Said, Wilbur immediately recognized the Name, it was one of his Father's many countless Inventions and one of his most prolific ones too, it's basic function was to Remove any trace of even the strongest virus from chips but it was very difficult to manage. Wilbur was mostly relieved that he landed at a point in time where his father was inventing full-time.

"Huh" Was all Wilbur said as they finally Reached the Store, it was small and compact almost looking out of place with the other larger and spacious Stores and a Nice looking Noodle Store that Wilbur had his eyes on, It had a large Blue sign hanging on top of the Building with illuminated words that read

Rouleau's Electronics

and large windows in front that displayed several technological devices.

They entered the shop, it was very much how it looked on the outside, small and compact, with shelves filled with Electronics and a front counter with a man behind it and a door in the back that presumably led to the machinery too large to fit the shelves.

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