Chapter One: How it All Started

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As I walk down the hallway trying to find a familiar face in the crowd of Jay High, I run into a brick wall. Or so I think. I look up and see a tall, strong, muscular looking boy staring down at me with a slight frown.
"Are you ok?" He asks.
"Um. Yeah I guess." I reply with a slight smirk. Well duh I was ok, I just ran into him. It's not like he actually was a brick wall. Plus, I would never show any sign of weakness to a jock, you could tell he was because of his football uniform.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. Gotta go!" I say still searching the crowd until finally I spot her, Linda. Linda is my best friend and we have been for about nine years.
"OMG ALI YOU ARE HERE!" She screams, running over to me and opening her arms for a big hug.
"OMG LINDA HOW ARE YOU?! " I scream back, both of us laughing our heads off. That's how it is with Linda, always laughing. And giggling. And screaming. Lots of screaming.
"So how was your summer in Germany?" I ask her. Linda is German and goes to Germany for the summer every year and stays with her grandparents.
"It was pretty good. I went to my cousins school for a week and it was kind of fun. Especially in English class, I would always know the answers. As always, math was the hardest. But there was this super hot guy I sat next to in all my classes. He was blonde with green eyes and he was tall. Much taller than my five-foot nine."
"Sounds pretty fun! What was is name? Did he give you his number? Did he like you back?" I pressed. I was excited for my friend, she had never found a guy she really liked even though we were seniors. Well, neither had I but that's beside the point.
"Yeah, I think he did like me back! And he gave me his number. Oh, his name is Kai. Ugh! I am so sad because well you know, I live here and he lives there! Plus we are not actually dating! What should I do?" She started freaking out.
"Dude, it's ok. I am sure he likes you. How could he not! You are tall, beautiful and have a great personality. And he gave you his number, text him! I try to calm her down.
"Yeah, ok you're right. Just text him. Ok. Yeah." She was breathing really deeply, which she does when she tries to get over a panic attack. The bell rings and we trudge off to class, which happens to be home room. I tune out during the entire period, Mrs. Parkly was just going through the announcements. I think about boys, and try to picture Kai. He seems pretty good, but Linda doesn't always have the best taste in boys. She always picks the cheaters or the liars. And this guys would have the perfect excuse, he lives across the world; and as she said, he seems pretty hot too. But maybe he is different. I obviously don't know the guy. But then again, she is pretty fickle too. The bell rings again and we go off to history.
"Omg! Did you see that tall muscular dude over there? He is so hot." Says Sasha, our other friend. We have a big group of friends that always hang out but the three of us have been friends for the longest.
"No, omg who?" Linda asks searching the crowd for the boy that Sasha was talking about.
"He is right there. But we can't talk to him. He is like, the coolest guy ever and well, we aren't that cool you know?" Sasha is very worried about the high school social ladder and who belongs where and that sort of crap. I honestly don't care but, I can't really care about much. And it's not like we are losers, we have a lot of friends. We just aren't super popular. I still look to where she is pointing and see the annoying kid who I bumped into earlier.
"Oh that kid, he is weird. Don't waste you're time with him." I say trying to brush him of the topic of conversation.
"How would you know Ali, do you have a little crush? I know you do! OMG what is his name? How did you meet him?" Linda squealed.
"Omg I just ran into him earlier. Calm down! He was just being annoying after I ran into him! I don't even know his name!" I was exasperated. I mean come on guys! One, he is not that cute and just because I ran into him doesn't mean I know him!
" Are you sure?" Presses Linda. Always one for details.
"His name is Conner." Sasha says, who had not stopped staring at him for that entire time.
"Are you ever going to stop staring? After a while it gets kinda noticeable. I mean come on, she had been staring at him for like two minutes straight. It's the first day of school! Calm down girl!
"Ya ok fine, we should say hi to Conner!" Linda exclaims.
"No! I don't want the dork to think that I like him!" Jesus my friends are sure dumb sometimes.
"But you do. Right?" Linda asks.
"No I don't fricken like him!" I storm off towards my first class.
"Yes you do, I know you do." Sasha teases, yelling after me.
"NO I DONT! Now excuse me, I refuse to be late on the first day. Good bye." I storm off again, this time leaving them behind.

Omg hi! So this is my first book and so it might be really bad ok! Anyway don't forget to vote/ comment!

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