[ Chapter 40 ]

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It had only been about a week since Colby moved back into his place, and Rebecca was only then noticing just how quiet her apartment was without him and Riley.

They had planned for Rebecca to go over that afternoon to help the duo cook dinner, and spend some time together. So, she had just been grabbing her things when she got a call from Mercedes.

"Hey." Mercedes started, "Are you still welcoming the crook to come by and eat your food?"

"Yes, you can still come for dinner." Rebecca laughed, "Unless Colby changed his mind."

"Now, why would he do that?" Mercedes responded sarcastically, "I'm a perfectly good influence on his little angel."

"Yeah... sure." Rebecca laughed and shook her head before getting her things and leaving. "Well, I'm on my way now, so I'll be sure to ask if the crook is still welcome."

"Perfect." Mercedes chuckled, "I'll be there in thirty."

"See you then." Rebecca was off and began her walk to his place. With the timeframe that was just pitched, Rebecca figured Mercedes would make it there a few minutes after her. 

Of course, Mercedes would complain about the food not already being ready beforehand, but it'd be a good opportunity for her to bond with Riley. It was obvious that Colby still felt guilty about not telling Mercedes about his secret daughter earlier, but the sentiment and invitation seemed to close a part of that gap. 

Holly wanted to run Riley to dance class that day, so they all should've relatively been arriving close to the same time. The only thing that was up for question was who was going to get there first.

Rebecca entered the apartment complex, greeting the secretary as usual, who she had grown to know after some conversations. She rode the elevator up and walked through the halls.

When she came across Colby's apartment door, she went to knock but found it left ajar. She stood still for a second, before slowly opening the door.

When Rebecca looked inside, her hands went cold and her heart dropped. Riley must've still been at dance class with Holly because neither of them was anywhere to be found. However, that wasn't the problem. When her eyes deviated to the floor, her face went blank.

She saw Colby's hoodie on the floor next to a pair of discarded bright red stilettos. When she scanned further, she noticed a black purse slouched, against the wall, on the floor around the corner. Rebecca clenched her jaw, taking a deep breath as she moved forward.

Every bone in her body was telling her to turn around and walk out if as nothing happened. She felt tears prick her eyes just before she heard a laugh come from another room, one that didn't remotely sound like Colby, or a man for that matter.

Rebecca's stare turned cold as she shoved her hands into her pockets. She didn't bother calling his name, she found it a rookie mistake in movies. If something was going on, she figured it'd be better to catch him off guard.

She walked down the hall, purposely skipping over the one board of hardwood that always creaked whenever stepped on. The closer Rebecca got to the end of the hall, the more she wanted to leave.

Rebecca pushed the door open, and everything was exactly what she hoped it wouldn't be.

There Colby laid with his back on the bed, with some chick hovering over top of him. The woman had his hands held in hers above his head, as she pressed her lips down his neck. She couldn't see if he was reciprocating, mainly because the woman's head was in the way, but it also could've been because of the tears welling up in her eyes.

He was still in his t-shirt and pants, but the woman was in a tight and overly revealing dress. She heard Colby say something, but she couldn't make it out. Her heart was thumping in her ears too loudly. Rebecca nodded to herself slowly, as the door handle bumped into the wall behind it.

She didn't think it was loud, but it caught the attention of the two. "Come to see the show?"

The woman smirked, and it all clicked. Rebecca had seen her before, in a yearbook picture Colby had shown her once.

He was in the middle of ruining whatever they had, with Sarah.

It took every fibre of her being not to do something impulsive, and then she heard him speak. "Rebecca?"

Her eyes shot over to a stunned Colby, and she felt her blood begin to boil. "No, actually, I was just about to leave. Enjoy your time, though."

"Rebecca, wait." Colby started but she was already rushing out of the apartment.

When she left and slammed the door shut, she jumped at the sight of a very confused, Holly holding a tired Riley in her arms. "Are you okay, dear?"

Rebecca just stared at her, trying not to break down, "I wouldn't take her in there right now."

"What? Why?" Holly's eyebrows furrowed, and Rebecca shook her head, continuing past them.

Holly was about to follow her before she heard Colby's door swing open, and she turned to see him out of breath and dishevelled. "Colby-"

She froze the second she saw Sarah stride out behind him with a victorious smile written on her face. "No..."

He looked like he was trying to collect his thoughts, and Holly just shook her head, carrying Riley to her apartment room.

"Thanks for a good time." He felt Sarah kiss him on the cheek as he just stared blankly at the wall Rebecca had turned.

He stood there in complete panic, with a million thoughts running through his mind, waiting in place as if it would make Rebecca return. "Fuck."

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