Chapter 13

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

I jump up startled by the loud sound. I look down and I'm covered bandages and wraps on my arms. There's a blanket covering my legs and I pull it off only to see more bandages. Behind me is a pillow. A bed? Where am I? The door from which the knocking sound came from suddenly opens. A middle aged looking man stood there in a navy uniform. He held some clothes in one hand while his other hand lay stiffly at his side.

"You're Ralph, yes?" he asks gruffly. A strange sense of security washes over me from hearing such a mature voice. I think of my father. My family. My home. I remember the island and everything that happened. Piggy, the fire, the navy officer who's feet I fell at. Before I know it, I'm crying again. I feel the warmth of each tear drop on to my rough hands. The officer standing at the door makes his way over and sits next to me.

"Now now son, it's alright now. Everything will be alright." His hand awkwardly rubs my back in his attempt to comfort me.

"Listen here; I've brought you some clothes. Now I know they'll be too big but they'll be better than nothing." he says placing the clothes on my lap. "You're friends are all up and are eating in the dining hall, you should dress and go eat." After one more pat on the back, he gets up and leaves.

Friends. I don't have any friends here. If it weren't for the constant rumble in my stomach at the mention of food I would stay right where I am. I get dressed wincing at the pain and soreness of my wounds. I got into the hall and immediately followed the scent of delicious food that led to a larger room.
The officer was right. Everyone was here. And every single one of them turned and stared at me as I stood at the entrance way. For a split second I consider turning around but my stomach once again roars loudly reminding me why I was here. I quickly take a seat between some littluns. There is so much food. There are fruits, and vegetables, and chicken, and bread. My mouth waters and I can't wait. I begin stuffing my mouth with whatever my hands reached first. I realize I must be chewing obnoxiously loud, but I couldn't care less. I look up and see officers standing far back against the walls. I guess they wanted to give us privacy but also needed to keep an eye on us.

I look around the table and everyone is eating quietly and avoiding eye contact with one another. My gaze met Samneric's but they immediately bowed their head in shame simultaneously. Then I see Jack. He sat there away from the food and as far from everyone as the table would allow. The closest person to Jack was Roger who simply sat across from him and ate his food as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Jack no longer looks like the hunter and leader he formally claimed to be. He looks frail and scared. Nothing about him now made me feel fear. That fear I once had is now replaced with pity. Only now do I realize Jack is no different from anyone else on the island. The pity is quickly matched with anger. I get up from my seat and stomp over to Jack carrying an apple and a roll. How dare he think that depriving himself from food and letting himself suffer would fix anything! I slammed the food down in front of him and he looks up at me with red puffy eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something but then we heard Roger snarl. He stared at me intensely.

"Go back to your side Ralph, we don't need you." Side?! What?! My face heats up and I feel anger rise inside of me like hot molten lava.

"What side Roger?! We aren't on that godforsaken island anymore! There are no more sides! No more tribes! No one is leader anymore! We're all going home now and that's that!"

I take a deep breath, the anger still bubbling inside of me. Roger got up from his chair and inches closer to me. His expression was eerily calm and almost reminds me of his face when he found me hiding under the mat of creepers, and suddenly I feel terrified. Two officers quickly make their way over and stand in between us.

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