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No one's POV

"I swear you slut,if you did something bad at Ink,you'll know the consequences" Nightmare growled while gripping Lust's collar
"C'mon,a small talk didn't hurt him anyways" Lust stated
"What did u two talked about??" Error asked who was now glaring at Lust as well
"Hmm about stuffs in your relationships,that's it" Lust simply said
"Uh huh,and what stuffs are those?" Nightmare asked
"Hey uh...boss,what's going on here?" Horror asked who approached the three
"Darling,these two are ridiculous, they are threatening me even tho I didn't do anything" Lust dramatically said
"What? What did he do wrong?" Horror asked
"We were just asking him if what he did to Ink,cuz Ink ran up on his room earlier after chatting with Lust" Error explained
Nightmare then let go of Lust as Lust went to Horror

"*sigh* It's pointless
Error,let's just go check up on Ink" Nightmare said as he started walking,Error following from behind
"What did u two talked about anyways..?" Horror asked Lust,they are now at the living room playing cards
"About their relationship, that's all" Lust simply said
"I'm back! What did I miss?? Oh,Dream will sleep with me tonight in this castle,I'm so happy!" Cross exclaimed who suddenly teleported in the living room with Dream
"Nice to see you again Lust!" Dream exclaimed as he went beside Lust and started watching them play
Cross also sat beside Dream,that was just near to Lust
"Oh hey lovebirds,how was your alone time?" Lust asked
"Doing great!" Dream exclaimed
"Did u two made babies already?" Lust asked which made Dream and Cross blush a lot
"Wh-wha- NOOOoooo!
Um..maybe?" Cross stuttered who was now flustered along with Dream
The MTT started laughing
"Well if we did...Nightmare would kill me" Cross muttered

"𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀"(ErrorInkMare/Error x Ink x Nightmare)Where stories live. Discover now