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A/N: I am going to skip what would be the first episode but I will describe basically what happened in that span of episode 1 but what my character and L were up to.

*???? Point of View*

           It was just a normal day: L and I were solving case after case, day after day. However, a case was brought to our attention that all around the world, criminals were dropping like flies. "Hm. This is unprecendented." 
"Indeed. Do we know the causes of death of these criminals?" L asked me and it never occured to me to check.
"About 75.6% of the criminals that have died, they have died from heart attacks." I reported to him.
"Interesting. Out of those criminals who, in chronological order, died first of a heart attack?" He asked yet another question.
"It was a minor crime, just some hostages kept in a day-care center. It was reported in Shinjuku." As I said that, L and I looked at each other. "He must be in Japan!"
"There is a 97% this killer is in Japan." L pushed the button on the compputer that calls Watari. "Watari, please make flight arrangements for Japan."
"Who is going?" He asked us.
"Emily, myself, and--"

*Scene Change: Time Skip*
We've made it to Japan, but it wasn't an easy thing to leave the orphaned children behind. Their innocence just made me want to love and care for them. I guess I've always had a soft spot for children, but I was able to take one child with me. Aito is the child's alias that L and I gave the boy. We didn't want to put the child at risk with Kira on the loose even if he does eliminate criminals.
        "Mihara (my alias), please, watch over the child as I contact the ICPO." L instructed me but before he went to his work he gave  me a kiss on my forehead, "I promise you that we'll solve this case and we can go back to the children at the orphanage." He reassured me and went to the computer set-up he had.
        "Ryuzaki, thank you." I smiled at L and took the child with me to tour around Japan.

*L's POV*
As Watari connected me to the ICPO when he arrived to the headquarters, I addressed them with the case. "Greetings to all of you at the ICPO, I am L. The difficulty of this case lies in its unprecendented scope and make no mistake, we are witnessing an atrocious act of mass murder, one that is unforgiveable. This case cannot be solved without the full cooperation with the ICPO, that  is all the police organization you represent around the world need to make the decision to fully support the investigation at this meeting. Also, I require addition cooperation with Japan's National Police Agency."
        I heard the director say, "What? Why Japan in particular?"
        I respond, "Whether the guilty party is an individual or a group, there's a strong possibility that they're Japanese, even if they are not we can be sure they are hiding in Japan."
        "Why? What is all this based on?" He asked me.
        "Why Japan you ask? I believe I can provide some proof of that after I confront the culprit." I respond.
        "A direct confrontation?" He asked again.
        "At any rate, I would like to set up the investigation headquarters in Japan." I stated as I was about to stop my connection but I heard a voice speak out.
        "Is it true that, you, L, have a fiance?" Rumors, I should expect no less from people.
        "I guess she has become famous through her career and as my assistant in the several cases I have solved. Yes, I do have a significant other, but I shall not give out her real name. I want to keep my family safe. Please, save the interview when we meet face to face. Thank you and goodbye." I logged out. My wallpaper on my computer are 5 other people beside myself. My two successors, Mello and Near, my father figure, Watari, the love of my life, Emily, and...

*To Be Continued*

Who Am I? (L x OC x Light Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now