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A/N: I realize that L didn't come to Japan that early but I have a couple reasons for that. 1) It makes more sense with my character being in it 2) If you watch the Death Note movies L was in Japan when he was talking with the ICPO. Anyways, I hope you can bare with me on this. I am skipping ahead a bit just because this isn't in Light's POV. :P It's in my character's, L's, and Watari's POV. So whatever scenes L was in is going to show up.

*Mihara's POV*
        I was just walking around to look at the shops and then on the giant TV in the middle of downtown turned on showing a man. "I head an international task force that includes all membered nations. I am Lind L. Tailor. Otherwise known as L. Criminals around the world are being murdered by a serial killer. I consider this crime the most atrocious act of murder in history. I will not rest until the person or persons responsible are brought to justice. Kira I will hunt you down. I will find you." He addressed to the people of the world. This guy isn't that bad of a stand in. I see what you're doing, L. It's risky but it could work. "Kira, I have a pretty good idea what your motivation might be and I can guess what you hope to achieve. However, what you are doing now is evil." A good amount of time went by without the stand in saying anything however he died of a heart attack on TV. My eyes widened, What? He can kill without being there?
All of the sudden a giant L appeared on screen, "I had this test just in case but I didn't think it'd actually happen. Kira, it seems you can kill people without being there in person. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't just witnessed it. Listen to me, Kira. If you did indeed kill Lind L. Tailor the man you just saw die on television, I should tell you that he was an inmate who's execution was scheduled for today, that was not me." I smirked to myself, one step closer to checkmate L, my darling. "The police arrested him in complete secrecy so you wouldn't have heard about him on TV or through the internet, it seems that even you don't have access to these types of criminals. But I assure L is real, I do exist, now try to kill me!" My eyes widen, No! What are you doing L? He continued to provoke Kira but nothing was happening. I was puzzled now and why Kira didn't kill L. He was perfectly able to kill his stand-in. So why? "Well Kira, it seems you can't kill me after all. So there are some people you can't kill. You've given me a useful hint. Let me return you the favor, I'll tell you something you may find interesting. Although this was announced as a world-wide broadcast, the truth is, we are only broadcasting in the Kantou region of Japan. I had planned to broadcast this around the world until we found you, but it seems that won't be necessary, I now know where you are. The police treated your first killing as an unrelated incident but in actuality your first suspect was in Shinjuku. Of all the criminals that have recently died of heart attacks, this one's crime was by far the least serious. Furthermore, his crime was only reported inside Japan. I've used that information to deduce this much. You are in Japan and that your first victim was none other than an experiment which means you haven't been killing for very long. We've decided to broadcast this in the Kantou region first because of it's large population and luckily we found you. To be honest with you, I never would've expected things to be going this well but it won't be very long now until I am able to sentence you to death." Damn, you never cease to amaze me. "Although I am curious in how you are able to convict these murders but I don't mind waiting a little bit longer. You can tell me everything when I catch you. Let's meet again, Kira."        

*Days Later*

*Watari's POV*
        I was at headquarters while the task force was assisting L with the case. Along with me was Mihara and Aito and they sat next to me as the report was being made.

*Mihara's POV*
It was all so boring until the chief said, "12 FBI agents have all died of heart attacks."
"Whoa! I can come to the conclusion that Kira will do anything and kill anyone who gets in his way." I state.
"Exactly what Miss Mihara has stated. Therefore, I want you all to consider your family and your lives. For all of you on the Task Force you may leave if you wish. You will not suffer demotion."

        After a while, only 6 people were left, " only 6 people are left. Not that many people." I groaned then Aito made a good statement.
"6 is better than none!" He gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and nodded.
"It all shows that you have a strong sense of justice and I trust all of you." L stated.
"Wait a minute, he now decided to trust us? And what reason do we have to trust him?" Aizawa asked. That caused an uproar. A statement I heard was, "We're sticking our necks out but you don't have to show your face. You just give the orders."
Chief Yagami said, "If you're serious about your statement that you trust the 6 of us could you please come to Japan and show yourself so we can work together."
L said, "I had that same thought, in fact the woman and child you see beside Watari, they are my family. My fiance and my son. I do not let them show their face in fact Mihara is not her real name but we are all risking our lives. Watari and Mihara will take you to where I am located."
I faced the computer screen by going behind Watari, "L, my darling."
L said to me, "Yes, Mihara?"
I winked and said, "I'll see you soon."
All of the sudden one of the members, Matsuda comes towards me and holds my hands, "I love your singing." I smiled, "Thank you, Matsuda. You're very sweet." I gave him a kiss on the cheek, for my adoring fan.
"Ah, yes, I shall see you all soon." I giggled as he cleared his throat.
I picked up my son and walked out the door to head to where L is. Kira, I will find you. If you kill L, I swear I will make your life hell.

A/N: Damn, long chapter but hey when you cram two episodes (Episodes 2 and 5) it can get to be a bit much but I hope you liked it and more coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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