Fourth Advice

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Give your partner small gifts! It is the gesture that counts! The more meaningful they are, the better! It will show to your partner that you know them intimately, that you were reminded of them while you were doing mundane things!

Poseidon looked at the necklace in his palm. The jewelry was nothing spectacular; it was quite dull if you ask the god of the sea. There were no big outstanding jewels encrusted into the metal, only a small locket pendant with his name engraved on the front. It was all too simple for the god of the sea. His wife deserved all the jewels in the world. This mere necklace did not even deserve to rest on her neck.

Poseidon threw a glare at the book. The word 'meaningful' glared back at him, taunting him in ways that he would never allow another being to do. Everything he gave had always been well-thought about and meaningful in the past. But (Y/N) did not have a similar taste as him.

Poseidon still remembered the hurt look on (Y/N)'s face after he gave her a handful of jewels after their fourth night. After seeing his extended hand full of gleaming jewels that would make any king and queen envious, she scrambled to get her scattered clothes. Under his blank, seemingly indifferent stare, Poseidon was confused. Why was she suddenly hiding her sniffles and tears? Why were her hands trembling as they clumsily tried to tie back the lace of her dress? He didn't know whether to be offended or confused. This had never happened before.

It was only when she tried to storm out of his private chambers that Poseidon finally decided to confront her about her strange behaviour. He couldn't have the servants spread even more unnecessary gossip about him.

"Where do you think you are going?"

(Y/N) had nowhere to run anymore. The door was protected by a shield of water which stood as proud as its king. She shivered as she felt his hand suddenly clasping onto her forearm. He was so unbelievably cold. Whether it was his personality or his skin, Poseidon was always cold.

Bravely, the girl turned around to face the god. His blue eyes bore into hers with a coldness that chilled her in her bones.

"My King, I think our arrangement needs to end here. I don't know if my intentions might have come off as me trying to gain something from you, but you are greatly mistaken. I don't want jewels. I only want to be with you. And I completely understand if I am overstepping my boundaries with you."

Poseidon raised an eyebrow. His glare only intensified. He tsked in annoyance at her confusing words.

"So, you want to stop but you want to be with me? Make your mind up, woman." Then, Poseidon dragged her back to his bed. The wall of water disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"Wait, my Lord!"

"I order you to stay by my side."

To anyone else, this was not romantic in the slightless. It came off as possessive and as an order. His words left no room for further arguments. But maybe (Y/N) fell too deeply for the cold god because if her grin was anything to go by, she was not upset at how Poseidon practically just ordered her to stay by his side. In her mind, it meant that the god still allowed her to be by his side even if she developed feelings for him.

After this, Poseidon quickly understood that his woman was not one to accept jewels. Despite giving her jewels which would make kings and queens envious, she never wore them. She claimed they were too extravagant for everyday wear. Poseidon merely rolled his eyes and stopped giving her gifts. If she was not going to make use of them, then where was the use to give her anything?

And yet, during his visit to the Underworld, the words written in the book haunted him. 'Something meaningful...'

And so, he asked his older brother to show him any jewelry he might have in his vault. The god of death's eyes twinkled in mischief as he showed him the most beautiful delicate jewels that he had collected all over the earth during his many visits.

"Are they for your beloved wife, brother?"

"What if it is?"

"Then you might want to give her something a bit more personal. A locket, for example?"

Hades conjured up a gold and silver locket in the palm of his hand out of thin air. Poseidon examined the necklace, disdain clearly written all over his face.

"It's bland."

"If you put a picture of you smiling without any killing intent in the locket, I'm sure it would become more beautiful and interesting. You know, one of those smiles of yours that you did when you were still a pure child with an innocent smile staring at your first love as if it created the cosmos itself? Remember? What was their name again? Hmm. Ah, yes! Bubbly was it? You loved that fish so much! Aaaahhhh! How I miss my cute innocent little brother who would sit for hours a day staring at a blue and gold fish! What did you do to my cute brother? I want him back. He is so much nicer than you!"

Poseidon glared at his grinning older brother. Did he just insult him?

"Anyway, back to your darling wife's special gift. Then, to make the necklace even more special and personal, you can engrave your initials on the front or hers. Whatever is more meaningful for her. Personally, my wife's locket has both of our initials engraved on it, with a picture of me and her holding Cerberus when he was a puppy inside. It's the intention which counts. I will leave this to you. Do whatever you want with it. I got to go help my wife! It was a pleasure as always to see you, Posi!"

Poseidon observed the locket for a few more minutes before he took it to Hephaestus for an engraving. He decided to go with a simple cursive 'P'. She didn't seem to mind wearing his waist coat whenever she could. Therefore, she shouldn't mind wearing his initials. Inside, he chose to put their wedding picture. A memorable picture that would incite memories of happiness to accompany her during cold lonely nights when he would be so taken by Olympus affairs that he wouldn't be able to join her for the night. Perfect.

The god of the sea secretly hoped that this would please her. Every necklace he sent her way before was either rejected or kept in her jewelry box to be worn only during feasts. Poseidon didn't want to admit it, but this insulted him. In his eyes, she refused to be seen as his. This was the greatest affront that anyone could do to him. Technically, this shouldn't matter to him so much. They were married after all. In everyone's eyes, he was hers and she was his. And yet, he couldn't help but want her to wear something of his all the time. He saw how Hades' wife always wore whatever his brother gave her. He would never admit it, but his mind would always wander towards his own wife. What would she look like dressed in his colours, wearing all the riches that he had?

He still remembered that one time when she wore his waist coat before a meeting with the others, he could barely hide his prideful smirk as he watched the gods gawk at her. 'Gawk all you want, she is mine.' And maybe he should be feeling angry at how vulnerable he became to small actions because of her; however, Poseidon couldn't find it in himself to care.

So, the god hoped she would wear this as he entered their private chambers. There she was, his queen, brushing away her hair, dressed in her animal pajamas, getting ready for the night. He wordlessly slipped behind her, hands steadily placing the necklace around her neck as she watched his ministrations through the mirror.

After he clasped it, she gently touched it. It was beautiful. The light of the moon casted a mystical glow on the locket, magnifying its beauty tenfolds.

"Poseidon, thank you! It's beautiful! But why? Our anniversary has already passed?"

"I saw it and thought of you."

Well, not really. The book told him to do it. And Hades conveniently had this necklace in his vault. But (Y/N) wouldn't care for all that even if he told her the reasons behind this sudden sentimentality. She was touched by his gesture. She threw herself into his unexpecting arms, eliciting a grumble from the god as he put his arms around her to support her.

"I love it!"

And indeed, she loved it. Because, the next day, when Poseidon caught a glimpse of her in the corridors, he saw the necklace shining on her neck. His mind filled with pride as he saw her parade around with the locket. 

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