The Party

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Why am I here, no idea...but I dragged my 2 friends with me
• one of them is named Myra. I call her my child, Why?, why not.
• The other friend, Clover, she's just kind of here I suppose you can say but I'm not upset that she's here to company me either way.

I thought this would be more fun. I watch people move all around while I stand there thinking of a move.
Clover and Myra has already ran off going different ways.
Taking a breathe, I try to think to myself knowing that the party just started and it wont be as awkward. Finally, I take a seat next to some people I've never met but seem nice never less... but now what? I'll just sit here. I'm not comfortable yet. where are my friends when I need them right now.

I watch the strangers play games and talk loudly, I started spacing out then feel the couch move...something on my right moved in fact.
A guy? he looked different and stands out more than anyone that's for sure... I take a moment to think of how I feel about him, nothing rude or judgmental, not necessarily.

I hear a silent but good enough voice to hear in the loud room. "...boring isn't it?"
"stressfully boring" I said flatly.
"At least I got someone to relate in here, yea?" he said resting his body more on the couch.
"Then why are you here?"
"I'd like to ask you the same but I just got here so gotta give it some patience."
"are you sure you relate to 'me', because it seems we have the same mind but are different people" I try to say that with a playful voice trying not to seem bothered by him.
"coincidence?" he says clearly not knowing what to say.
"well..?" I give him a calm stare "wanna get some snacks?, they look pretty good"
he doesn't hesitate and gets up waiting for me. I simply follow him to the kitchen.


We were standing there for maybe hours talking about games, the weather, our friends we cant believe we are friends with but somehow it works out.

See this is what I mean, just have to wait for the fun. I guess you can say the party is in the middle of almost being over.

My phone rings and excuse myself and walk outside.

It's Clover
"Isa, umm sorry but where are you. How come it's so silent."
"Because I'm outside obviously" 
"how was I suppose to know...doesn't matter, After all you are the one who dragged me into this so...mind if I stick with you for now? just getting bored."
"yea, meet me in the kitchen."

hanging up the phone I leave to go back inside and right back to the kitchen

It's empty...?

"Hey." Jasper comes walking behind me "what?"
I don't really answer. I just stand there mumbling "where did he go.."
"um... a friend?"
"name?, I could find this 'friend'." she says walking into my eye view 
I stand there wanting to say something but nothing comes out. I don't know his name! seriously?
"I don't know...his name"
I stand there upset with myself. how do I not know the name of someone who was basically entertaining me. I hear Clover say something but I don't pay attention and walk back to the couch but this time away from everyone and signaling clover to sit next to me.

I look around to see if he's still in the room but no luck. it doesn't matter now and I can't just ignore clover. I decide to rub it off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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