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It was the news no one had been expecting to wake up to. "Shota Aizawa, the Pro-Hero better known as 'Eraserhead' is dead at the age of thirty." Aizawa's face appeared on every news board across the country, a face people had grown to know and love. The face of the number two hero. He looked sullen and pissed off but that's what people loved about him. He didn't give a shit about fame and gave everything for his duties and responsibilities. Dying in an act of heroism would have been unsurprising but it was the next part of the news story which shocked everyone to the core "It has been released that the Erasure hero's cause of death was a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head." Gasps were heard throughout the country but not from him. Yagi Toshinori had been the first to know. How couldn't he be? both professionally and personally his and Eraserhead's lives were intertwined but that's why this hurt all the more. He should have seen this coming. He should have been there for him. Instead he had opened the door last night to the Chief of Police on his porch and it was no meeting between friends. Toshinori had been unable to make it to the morgue immediately. His legs gave out the minute the words left his friend's mouth and had promptly been followed by him vomiting blood as emotion wracked his body, sobbing, hyperventilating, cursing and begging for Aizawa to come home. But he couldn't. He never would.

Toshinori hated hospitals he had even before his battle with All For One. They always smelt like someone had tried to cover up the stench of hopelessness and death with bleach and lemon but it was always seeping through and it always felt depressing. Usually when he walked into a hospital he made sure to do so flexed up as All Might so he could keep a smile pasted on his face and with any luck, make others smile too but tonight he just walked in as Yagi Toshinori, Shoto Aizawa's colleague, confidant, and husband. The morgue air felt disgusting to Toshinori but he persevered onwards and stood by the metal slab and gazed down at the humanoid outline beneath the sheet as two workers pulled back the sheet and Toshinori held back from further bathing the floor in blood. Aizawa's face looked almost peaceful, eyes closed, pallor skin was the norm for the man who had routinely avoided sunlight. Aizawa's long, dark hair hid the self inflicted wound on his cranium but the morgue workers hadn't been able to clean him up completely and Toshinori saw flecks of dried blood and tears welled in his eyes again "Toshinori, can you confirm it's him." Tsuragamae asked the number one hero. He nodded, words failing him for a moment before he could answer "Y-yeah. It's him." Tsuragamae nodded and signalled to the morgue workers who began to pull the sheet back over the face and torso of the number two hero "W-wait." Toshinori faltered and the workers paused "Please leave him-leave us for a moment." He said quietly and they looked over at Tsuragamae  who nodded and left with them to give Toshinori the time he seemed to so desperately need. It felt like he spent eternity and more in that room to Toshinori but in reality it wasn't and it wasn't even enough time as Tsuragamae guided him out as the workers pulled the sheet back over Aizawa's chest and head. Tsuragamae  helped Toshinori collect Aizawa's valuables. his wallet, phone, capture device, and wedding ring. The capture device held the remnants of what had occurred in Aizawa's vehicle which Tsuragamae told him he collect at a later date. That and the weapon Aizawa had used to complete his premature death were being held by the police currently and Toshinori never wanted to see them. 

Tsuragamae  decided it was best that he dropped Toshinori home despite his protests and made sure to grab him some food before he headed out into the night of paperwork, leaving Toshinori drowning in the silence of his home. In every corner and crevice there he seemed to be. Lurking, as always, leaving Toshoniri half expectant to see his grumpy husband walk through the door and be able to greet him with a delighted kiss that he had returned to him once more. That couldn't happen now. He was gone, lying cold and very dead by his own hands. It was something Toshoniri just couldn't wrap his head around.Why would he do this? he had  seemed happier than usual, they had been preparing for their anniversary. Everything had seemed to be on the up so why would he choose to face his end now. He just didn't understand.

Toshoniri also didn't understand how he got to bed that night nor what woke him up but he soon plucked up the courage to shuffle downstairs on his own and picked put a pre-made smoothie from his fridge as he flopped back down onto the couch and sat in the silence. He hated the silence. He needed something, anything right now. His brain was too full. With that he turned on the TV and those words echoed around his skull "Shoto Aizawa, the Pro-Hero better known as 'Eraserhead' is dead at the age of thirty." The press had the story already, making him sigh. He wasn't prepared for this. Nothing could have prepared him for this as all his thoughts from last night came rushing back. Why, Aizawa? Why?

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