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Hayden fields 16 junor the moverHayden is the older brother and the strongest powers he is smart bookworm rule follower

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Hayden fields 16 junor the mover
Hayden is the older brother and the strongest powers he is smart bookworm rule follower.
Wizard abillites
Basic Powers
​​Spell Casting: The power to cast spells and perform rituals.
Potion Making: The power to brew and concoct potions, remedies, and elixirs that have supernatural properties.
Mediumship: The ability to see and commune with spirits of the dead.
Active Powers
Telekinesis: As a wizard, Hayden, possessed telekinetic abilities enabling his to levitate and manipulate living beings and inanimate objects with his mind. hayden was able to use his  telekinesis to various effects, and has been able to deviate certain magical energies and objects, fire telekinetic forcebolts, stop/restart a person's heart, and telekinetically strangle someone. After his power was restored, she mainly channeled it through her hands.
Advanced Telekinesis: when Hayden becom 17 his powers Advanced ". When his telekinesis was restored by the chalice of pure black amber, He  moved all the leaves in the room, stimulating even the air molecules to create a circular motion of all the tree leaves. It appears that, now that his telekinetic abilities are in their advanced form, Hayden can move objects a great distance away from him.
Telekinetic Energy Generation: As Hayden gain his advanced form of telekinesis, he  also gained the ability to generate fields of telekinetic energy to immobilize beings and to release energy beams through his hands. he continue to use this ability effectively as long as he concentrates.
Telekinetic Immobilization: As a result of his advanced form of telekinesis, Hayden is now able to project a field of telekinetic energy that can immobilize beings. Hayden power can effectively immobilize large crowds of people but for a short amount of time.
Energy Beam Emission: Another result of his advanced form of telekinesis, Hayden is now able to generate beams of telekinetic energy.
The Power of Three with his brothers and there bond they become powerfull togather
whitelighers Abillites
Orbing: The ability to teleport oneself from one place to another with the use of orbs
Glamouring: The ability to change one's appearance into the form of another.
Hovering: The ability to rise a few feet in the air with or without the use of orbs.
Healing: The ability to heal the injuries and wounds of others.
Photokinesis: The ability to create and manipulating light.
Sensing: The ability to locate charges. This power does not work when one of Hayden charges is in the Underworld or vice versa.
Cloaking: The ability to hide someone magically or herself from others. Hayden can hide his charges by making them invisible to a select few.
Omnilingualism: The ability to understand, speak, and read any language that  his charges speak, without training in it.
Henry little brother
Henry and Hayden argue the most and they fight But they love each other and they take care of Hunter when there parents are away
Hunter liltrle brother
Hunter and Hayden gets along verey well and Hunter agrees with Hayden most of the time

RealtionshipHenry little brotherHenry and Hayden argue the most and they fight But they love each other and they take care of Hunter when there parents are awayHunter liltrle brotherHunter and Hayden gets along verey well and Hunter agrees with Ha...

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