Give me love...part one

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"DEZ!" screamed my mum "GET UP NOW! SCHOOL!" she sounded like she was having a heart attack. I open one of my deep blue eyes to she straight out my window. I drag myself out of my warm, cozy bed and shuffle over to my wardrobe. Another day of school. damn. "COMING!" I yell. I waddle down the stairs in my tight, skinny jeans and my red hair bouncing up and down.

I sit at the table waiting for my breakfast. There is only one thing I like about mondays, mum makes me pancakes for breakfast! YUMMY! Mum hands me my delishious pancakes and I scof them down fast.

"Dez, Noahs here"

"okay, love you bye." I said as I grabbed my bag and ran to the door. Noah is my super hot bot friend, He picks me up everyday to take me to school.

"heey" I smile and lean for a kiss. he kisses me back. his soft lips warm me up.

" sup shortie" he laughs. that's his nickname for me. But normally people call me Domo. but my full name is Dezella Monique Aspinal. But I like Dez.

"what have you got on today babe?" he smiled his dimples showed. and I stared into his beautiful green eyes.

"oh um.. Nothing I have cheerleading this afternoon, what about you?" I giggled

"yeah, just the usuall." The rest of the ride we talked about how cute we both are.

"thanks for the ride" I smiled


'RINNG' went that annoying bell.

"see'ya" he said as he walked off to class.

"bye" as I ran to English class "OUCH!" I yelped I fell to the ground all my books spilt every where.

"sorry" I look up to see a tall, brunette, with baby blue eyes. "you okay?" he asked politely

" uhh yeah sorry I dozed off" I sighed

"oh haha" he laughed and helped me up

"thanks" I smiled politley at him, wow he was so good looking

"hey I'm Jessie" he exclaimed

"I'm Dez" we shock hands. woah his hands were so warm. "hey I gotta get to class but you can come sit with me at lunch if you want." I suggested

"sure bye"


I walk into the full class and everyone started to stare at me like I had just shoot someone

" your late!" Mrs Williams announced

"sorry, traffic" I lied

" take a seat"

as I stared out the window Anna (she's my English partner) passed me a note "this was being passed around the room for you." she whispered. I pulled a confused face and opened the said.....'Hi what are you up to today..? from Amanda' I. wrote on the bottom ..'I have cheerleading practice from Domo' as I watched the slip of paper being passed around I wondered why does Noah look so...hmm dangerous like thoose guys off the movies. 'RIINNNG' went that irritating bell. LUNCH! YAY. I went to our table and sat down. across from me sat Amanda. She has been my friend since we were 7 years old. And then beside me was Amber, she was my friend I met at cheerleading. And Christie, Ambers cousin. and of course Noah sat right beside on my left he was all warm and snuggly.

"Hey guys" I said

"heey" they all replyed.

"uhh who's that?" said amber looking at jessie who was heading towards us.

"oh this guy I ran into this morning"

"ooo he's cute" mumbled Amanda.

"haha cheecky" Amber chuckled

"heey" I called

"hi." he smiled

after I introduced everyone to Jessie Noah went off to football practice and the girls went to drama class so it was just me and jessie. "do you wanna go watch them pratice?" I asked

"sure" jessie answered

as we were walking onto the seats I spoted Noah, he was talking to Amber.

"is that Amber?" he whispered

"yeah I think so, follow me"

we sneaked around the seats to spy.

"what are they saying?" I wondered out loud.

"I have no idea"

I stared as hard as I could. They hugged! omg no! they kissed. "oh my god" I sighed. my heart just broke in half. I stormed of to the maths class. it was empty. Jessie had followed, "are you okay?"

"no." I let out a big sob. He came over to sit down by me and pat my back.

"sorry" I sighed

"What for?"

"I have only known you a day and I have all ready caused drama."

"its not your fault, he's an idiot, treating a girl like you in that way."

"Thanks, Jessie."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2013 ⏰

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