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I can even endure the whole weight of the world for you but never a day without you.


November 28, 2021.

Where are you?

I was standing outside of your house, hoping that you would come out.

It's been a week since that incident

I'm worried sick for you.

The clip of the way you cried inside my head isn't helping either.

I figured out that I like you. I wanna tell you that but....




I stand everyday outside of your house hoping you would come out. I wait at the alley too but you never came.

I haven't slept in days. I can't get rid of the image of you crying.

Please come out or I swear I will brag in.

I thought and stood out until the time you would always cross the alley to get home.

"I will just go in. I lost my patience."

And I bragged in your house.

There was literally no one in.

Not even an ant. But suddenly I heard a thud upstairs and ran in that direction.

I saw you all pale and thin on the floor with dark eye bags.

Without me knowing tears started to stream down.

Why does it hurt this much?

I took fast steps towards you and carried you to the hospital.

They took you in the emergency room and asked me to wait out.

Then a nurse came and asked me to fill all the necessities and I did but I didn't know what to tell them about who I am to you.

I filled the application as your guardian

"Guardian? What type of guardian are you to him?" One of the nurse asked me.

"I'm his...... ex-boyfriend." I said and she just nodded.

Ex-boyfriend? I wasn't even his friend but I suddenly become his ex-boyfriend? Great Author fucking Ayana freaking Sha!

I waited outside the emergency room for an hour. Then the doctor came out.

"Doctor is he fine?"

"Yeah he is. For now."

"What do you mean 'for now'?"

Doctor took a deep breath

"Sorry but he has leukemia. And...and it has already crossed the line. He might have not known it or he left it untreated. And........he doesn't have much time left. Maybe one or two months. Even with treatments he won't last more than six months, if his body doesn't accept the medication....I'm sorry."

My world just crashed down.

I sat on the chair and cried.

"I'm sorry." And the doctor left

I should go and see him.

I went inside, you smiled and waved at me.

"Hey bunny, you good?"

You nodded

Should I tell you?

About your disease?

Should I?

"Taehyung......what did the doctor say?"

"Ah-ah um....n-nothing. He said you are perfectly fine and need to take some vitamins that's it."

I have always been a flawless liar so it won't be that hard to fool-

"Taehyung, I know I have leukemia."


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