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I literally started writing and never stopped so this entire thing was written Nov 27 2021.

This is just a quick story with probably a lot of typos.

Harry paused his eating to see his bestfriend Niall adjusting his clothing as he walked to the front door. "I'm bringing home the guy I've been dating tonight, remember?"

"Oh, yeah." Harry nodded, continuing to eat once it clicked in his head. "I really like this guy so please be nice and maybe change your clothes?"

"Uhuh." Harry looked back at the television, waving Niall off. Niall walked out the door and Harry layed down flat on the sofa, eating and watching television.

Harry didn't bother dating since no one could ever really turn him on. It's actually embarrassing but luckily Niall never judged him for it.

After roughly three hours Harry woke up to the front door opening and choked on the food that he fell asleep with in his mouth and fell off the couch. "Haz, you alright, Mate?"

Harry coughed a few times. "Mhm." Harry drunk his coffee and spit it out, realizing it wasn't hot anymore. "This is Harry. He's my roommate. As you can see, he's very messy."

Harry pulled off his shirt, gagging and once it was off he finally turned around to see Niall's date and completely froze in place, staring into the light blue eyes.

Harry's breath completely hitched. For some odd reason he felt like he already knew him- Like they'd known eachother for years and Harry felt the urge to just come closer, like he'd feel so much better if he was touching the man in front of him.

"Harry, are you okay?" Niall asked worriedly, taking a step closer. "You look like you're crying." Niall pointed out. Harry took a step back and nodded, looking at his surroundings.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. I-I'm gonna- gonna go take a shower and then I'll clean this up. I'm sorry." Harry quickly rushed away. Niall said something but Harry didn't reply, only running off faster.

He got into the shower, making sure it burned his skin and stood there feeling like he was still in shock. Who was this man? What was going on? Why did his entire life just flash before his eyes? A life with that man.

Harry felt himself beginning to cry- Not a sob but a weak, confused, quiet cry. He quickly redeemed himself. He made a choice in his head. He had to complete ignore this man. He can't steal this guy from Niall. Niall really likes him.

Harry got out the shower and put on some swears but no shirt because his body was weirdly hot. Harry sniffled as he walked out his room and then gasped seeing Niall and his date on the couch.

The man sensed Harry's presence weirdly and looked at him. Neither of them said anything, it was just a weird eye contact full of so many different things or emotions.

Niall looked at his date and followed his eyes to Harry. He gave his date and Harry a weird look, noticing the long quiet eye contact but instead of talking about it he instead greeted Harry. "Hey, Mate."

"Hey.." Harry finally looked away and mad himself some tea. He didn't drink tea that often but for some reason he was really craving it. Harry drunk his tea, staring at the man creepily as he spoke with Niall.

"Harry, come here." Niall suddenly yelled, turning but to his surprise Harry was already standing there staring at his date. "Harry, this is Louis. Louis, this is Harry." Niall finally introduced.

Harry forced a small smile and Louis smiled warmly at Harry which made him look down at his mug. After a prolonged silence, Harry looked at the table and the couch and suddenly realized what he forgot.

"Fuck, I'm so disgusting. Let me clean this up." Harry put down his mug and quickly wiped off the table with a rag, wiping the crumbs from the couch onto the floor. "I'm really sorry, Ni. I promise I was going to clean up and change before you got here but I fell asleep." Harry said, feeling guilty. "It's okay, Harry."

Harry nodded and swallowed, grabbing the broom to clean up the crumbs from the floor. He threw away the crumbs and put all the cleaning supplies away before washing his hands and grabbing his mug again.

"I-I'll just- I'll go to my room and- and give you two some," Harry looked at the floor feeling an emotion he hadn't really felt before. He didn't know if it was jealousy or if his heart was broken or what. "Alone time.."

"You don't have to, Hazza." Niall said with a soft smile. "Yeah, but I don't want to- to impose?" Harry shook his head and quickly drunk the rest of his tea, putting the mug in the sink.

"Do you both want anything before I go?" Harry asked loudly from the kitchen. "Coffee would be nice." Louis yelled back. "Louis, you hate coffee." Niall said confused. "And Harry dosent even drink tea that often. You're both switching your drinks."

Harry rolled his eyes and scoffed, grabbing a mug for Louis. He felt someone behind him and guessed it was Niall. "Niall, can you ask Louis what he likes in his coffee?" Harry asked. "I can tell you." Louis said and Harry jumped a bit, turning to see Louis. "I thought you were Niall." Harry admitted with a blush. "Thought so."

"Can I ask you something?" Louis suddenly asked, moving next to Harry, leaning against the counter, staring at Harry. "Uhm, y-yeah." Harry nodded, biting his lip as he pressed a button on the coffee machine.

"Did you," Louis cut himself off and shook his head. "Nevermind." Louis sighed. Harry for some odd reason couldn't fight the urge and put his hand on Louis' in an attempt to soothe him. "Did you feel something weird when- when we.. met? Just a few moments ago."

Harry's entire body heated up and he felt tears blinding his eyes. "N-no." Harry lied in a quiet whisper. "What?" Louis asked, not hearing him. "No." Harry repeated harshly.

"No, I didn't. Now," Harry handed Louid his mug. "You should- You should go spend time with Niall." Harry stuttered, keeping his head hung low.

"Hey, wait!" Louis rushed as Harry began to walk away. Harry ignored him and sped away. "Goodnight, Niall." Harry said quickly, opening and closing his door, seeing Louis' face briefly as it shut.

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