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My belly was big....it made Certain tasks unbearable.
I didn't want to be idle so I practiced sword art. I'm sure the workers were all told to not let me do extensive work by his Highness.
He was so overprotective I wanted to bite him. Is that even how a grown up person fights? I really don't know what is going on with me.

I was busy practicing sword art in secret with Meimei watching over me. She begged me but alas.....I am me. I will protect her from him.

( Yoongi's POV)

I thought I told you servants to not let her do extensive work. I said....only it came out really angry and I was swinging my sword at her handmaiden.

A sword blocked my sword and swiftly the tip of the blade was exactly in a very proximity to my neck.

If you touch her in anyway, I won't hesitate to swing this blade and decapitate you , she warned me every so calmly. Her gaze was piercing mine as if daring me to make a move.

My gaze moved down to her belly, she looked small and adorable yet so fierce.
I was worried, it is her first pregnancy and I wanted them both to be safe.
The stubbornness of this woman!

Mei? Please excuse his Highness and I, she told her handmaiden. And the terrified girl slightly bowed and scurried away as fast as she could.

I am just trying to look out for you! I said with frustration. I know she's active but there's an unborned baby involved. I can't just let anything happen to any of them.

We are fine ,intact we are stronger than ever! She said and rolled her eyes at me.

Can you , put your sword in its scabbard now? And do not roll your eyes at me or I'll rip that armour and take You right here on the court yard, I warned her. She was testing my patience and it was running low.

She smirked, and she seemed to challenge me with her eyes.this woman is testing me.

Will you put away your sword ? I told her as I huffed in fraustration. With her sword still at my neck she came closer to me,her lips connected with mine,I could feel her smile then she licked my lower lip. she let go...but her sword was dangerously at my neck.

I wanted you to draw out your sword.... And plunge it into me,you just missed your chance, she whispered and she moved away and walked into the palace leaving me dumb founded.
I was really hard......a tiny lady with a baby bump just made me question everything.

(Time pass)

Hoseok, so you mean to say Minister Jung has five known daughters and one son.
My wife is not one of those five daughters? I asked.

Yes Hyung, I found out about her the day I brought her here. I didn't even know if she existence until that day, Hoseok defended.

By the way Hyung we saw what she did today, Jimin revealed and the rest of the maknaes had evil mischievous smiles.
Everyone was looking at me with questioning gazes.

It's nothing...she was just saying something about me drawing out my sword and plunging it into her, I said nonchalantly. Everyone's face was crimson that's when it hit me. She didn't mean I should stab her with my sword......
I felt really dumb. Namjoon broke into laughter.....

We seriously didn't need to hear that, jungkook said. Under his breath.

So Jung literally just sold her to me without thinking twice. He is hiding something. He didn't think twice he just told me to go and fetch her from the most well known master in the whole of the empire.

I just told him I wanted a maiden....I didn't specify for what, And unlike most father's he just shipped her to me.
Jung and I are going through some political tension and I got her by threatening to reveal something that he did.

He literally used Lady Dae-byol as a Scape goat Taehyung said with realisation.

No wonder her highness hated talking about her father ....she won't even call him father , Namjoon revealed.

So there's a lot going on, Jin Hyung said as he scratched his neck tiredly.

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