Episode 56

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Anurag and Prerna come out of the doctor's room. Others gather around them looking at their face in anxiety.
Anurag and Prerna : Keerthi is fine now hurray...
They start to jump in joy and hug each other.

They start to jump in joy and hug each other

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Anurag: The treatment was successful..kidney functions will slowly become normal
Kartik and Naira hug each other in joy.

Mishti is about to hug Abir

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Mishti is about to hug Abir..but realises that no one knows about their love ...they share their happiness by holding their hands tighter
Naksh breaks down. Kartik turns to go to him
Manish: Kartik...let him alone...he was choking with feelings for long let him cry it out and become normal
Kartik: Ji papa
Naksh slowly goes to Keerthi and sits near her and Keerthi rests her head on his chest

he was choking with feelings for long let him cry it out and become normalKartik: Ji papaNaksh slowly goes to Keerthi and sits near her and Keerthi rests her head on his chest

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Naksh: Keerthi...you scared me a lot..I'm sorry for letting you alone to Lucknow
Keerthi: Naksh..don't say sorry...it was beyond our control...
Naksh: I love you (he kisses her forehead)
Keerthi: I love you too
The scene freezes.

Its been 15 days since Keerthi's reports came as positive. As per Viren's plan all the families go to a resort for a picnic. Akash and Naina join them.Komolika too is in the same resort with her friends.
The youngsters are sitting in a round table and it's night time. Sara is sleeping peacefully with Maa and Papa.
Kartik: Arrey kya yaar such a great night and we are sitting here doing nothing
Naira:What about a game
Abir: Truth or dare
Kartik: I'll get a bottle to spin.
Kartik gets up and goes to the counter.
Kartik: Bro do you have an empty champagne bottle ?
The server: Yes sir...
Kartik gets the bottle and turns to leave and bumps on a girl
Kartik: Sorry miss..hey..Aashi
Aashi: Hey Kartik...it's been so long since we met
Kartik: Haan..it was in school
Aashi: How are you.
Kartik: Handsome as usual..by the way you are here
Aashi: With family...its dadu's 75th birthday celebration
Kartik: Thats great..
Aashi: What about you
Kartik: With family..a small get together...why don't you join us if you are free
Aashi: Sure why not
Both of them go to the others.
Kartik: Hey guys this is Aashi my school bestie and Aashi this is my family...you already know most of them and
Anurag: She will know the others during the course of the game..it's getting late Kartik
Kartik and Aashi settle down.
The bottle spins and stops pointing Aakash and Keerthi...it's AKASH's turn to answer.

Keerthi: So it's my time to ask

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Keerthi: So it's my time to ask..you choose
Akash: I'm an honest police officer so Truth it is
Viren who is sitting near Keerthi whispers something in her ears
Akash: Hey no cheating..Keerthi you must ask what you want..don't get influenced by Viren
Keerthi: So the question is..have you ever lied to Naina?
Naina: Waah Keerthi you have asked my long time question..
Akash: Waise I haven't lied ...
Viren coughs..
Akash: Except once..
Naina stares at him
Akash: Arrey sorry yaar...it was just a small lie...one day saying that I was at work..I was actually with Ajay consoling him on his breakup...he didn't want anyone to know so...
Naira: Wow Akash bhai so honest
Kartik: A round of applause for Akash
Akash: Naina...that was my first and last lie...
Naina: How do I know that it is the truth?
Viren: Arrey we can't do a lie detector here..maan jao na
Naina bursts out laughing..

maan jao naNaina bursts out laughing

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The bottle spins again..and stops pointing Abir and Jeevika...it's Jeevika's turn to answer
Abir: Jeevika didi truth or dare
Jeevika: I go with...dare
Abir: Wow...so what do I ask you to do..hmm...didi..you have to kiss jiju in the public
Viren: Thank you yaar Abir...I love you
Jeevika blushes but accepts as everyone insists on it.
Prerna: Arrey Jeevika just close your eyes if you are so shy.
Jeevika kisses Viren..

Everyone cheer them

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Everyone cheer them...
The bottle spins again..and stops pointing Mishti and Prerna.
Its Prerna's turn to answer
Mishti: Didi..is it truth or dare
Prerna: Truth
Mishti: Safe ...so..what I ask is...tell us about...your darkest secret that no one knows
Prerna: That isn't possible...Jeevika knows everything..
Mishti: Oh my...
Abir gets up and goes to Mishti and whispers something in her ears..Kartik and Naira giggle among themselves
Mishti: So then I'll ask it in this way..have you ever hidden anything from Jeevika bhabhi
Jeevika: Wow Abir...nice one huh
Kartik: Abir always cares for everyone Hena (in a mocking tone)
Abir smiles sheepishly and sits down.
Prerna: Woh...actually in high school a guy gave me love letter ...he was actually  a good friend of Jeevika..I threw away the letter and never told Jeevika about it..
Kartik: Honest answer
Naira: Super didi


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