❂ Chapter 0:Headcannons ❂

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Nightmare and Dream

Nightmare and Dream both are celestial beings, and when they were created, they looked like this:

Nightmare and Dream both are celestial beings, and when they were created, they looked like this:

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Image found with an google search, found also in adelyah's tumblr.

If any of the twins were to turn into stone, if there was enough of their respective emotion, (Dream's positivity, Nightmare's negativity) and determination, they could break their celestial bodies out of the stone. But, if in an month they don't find another body, they'll die, and their stoned, previous body, will dust.

Nightmare and Dream's first language was japanese.

Nightmare's 500. So is Dream. And also, Dream was created first by Nim. Wich means, ironically, he's the older twin.

Both of them don't have genders, but both go by either he/him or they/them. They don't mind being called those pronnouns.

Dreamtale has an protective magic barrier made by nim, 600 years ago, before Nightmare or Dream were created. The barrier serves as an way to keep any intruders out, without permission of an habitant of Dreamtale, nobody can get in. Even Ink or Error can't get in. Ink is curious about the au, but forgot about it because he didn't write it down on his scarf.

Error also has seen Dreamtale, but since it's an original, he didn't try to enter, so he doesen't know it has an barrier.

Dream and Nightmare are identical twins. The only way to tell them part is their eye light, blush and the massive hole in passive Nightmare's head. (On the left side of his face. It's even bigger than Horror's, but Horror's hole is on the right.)

Nightmare is afraid of cats because their ears, claws and tail bring memories of the monsters that used to bully him.

Dream is afraid of owls.

Nightmare has an mini garden behind the mansion, and that garden is filled with trees, and for some reason, purple hyacinth's. The gang is very confused on why he has the garden.

Nightmare still has his passive form's bones behind that goop, and the bones are still from an 6 year old, that are very much broken from shapeshifting. If an x-ray is made, the passive bones would show, as the goop didn't have bones in it.

                    ❂    X    ❂

Okay, now the gang's headcannons.


Cross has an phobia of being alone (autophobia) and a phobia of memories. (Mnemophobia) because of past events in X-tale.

Cross comes from another multiverse, right after Ink's first visit. In an fit of sadness and rage, an portal popped up and he simply jumped through, guiding him into this multiverse where the X-event didn't occur and Cross didn't exist. Well, now he did.

Cross doesen't like ink. Ink kept him waiting in the lonely void for 2 weeks before the portal popped up, and even though this Ink is not that Ink, he still doesen't like him.

Cross's also afraid of cows.

Cross's Pronnouns are He/him. He still has his Chara.

The murder time trio

Dust can see ghosts. All ghosts. By example, if he got to Asylum!Tale, he could see the ghost papyrus there.

Killer is not emotionless, but if times are too harsh, he can make his emotions less active. He can't deactivate them.

Horror is not an "Cannibal". He struggled in his AU to not eat monsters or humans. Everyday an tree with fruits popped up, he would spend weeks near it to safely get at least 2 fruits. And when an human (Aliza) came over, he was doing his best to control his hunger and not attack her.

Horror is blind on his left eye, because of the impact of undyne's spear, his magic went "Panic mode" and fused his eyelight's magic in one single eye socket. That's why he has only one eyelight, an big red one.

Killer actually has eyelights, but can summon only the right one. He can (somehow) still see through the left without eyelights.

Dust is really traumatized of chara's. If he ever found out about Killer or Cross's charas, he would try to not be near them, then start to try and trust them again, but that would take a while.

Frisks and Charas

All frisks and chara's are non-binary. Other humans that may fall down, by example, Horrortale's Aliza, are different. (And X-Chara. He goes by He/Him)

All frisks and charas=They/Them pronnouns

Aliza=She/her pronnouns


Error and Ink

When Error is very stressed, he can make the Windows starting sound with his voice.

Ink creates just some AUs, not all of them. By example, UnderFell he didn't create. He did create UnderSwap, though.

Error lacks the little finger on both hands. How he lost them? Read to find out.

❂ Most headcannons will be seen on the book itself.❂

Last quick thing: you can use the plot of this book as you like. And, of course, you can make an "My way" book, where the story twists to an plot you made! That would be awsome. The only thing i ask if you do so, is that you don't include Swap!Dreamtale Dream on the book. He's an big uncomfort character for me, and, please, credit me.

❂ A purple hyacinth ❂ [An Stone!Nightmare Au]Where stories live. Discover now