Chapter XXX

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Reluctant to let go of their hands, both Eklavya and Anamika sat there in each other's embrace for a very long time. Until it was finally time for both of them to go back home.

Anamika could clearly make out the slight annoyance that Eklavya held in his dark eyes. Although she wanted to laugh at this, she couldn't. Because she was currently in the same boat as him.

All this felt very surreal to her and she was afraid that she may be forcefully yanked out of her sleep by her annoying sister any now and then. And would be forced to accept the fact that it was all just a dream.

And truthfully speaking, that would be very irksome for her. She definitely didn't want that. And taking risks with Eklavya was very risky. You may not even know when his fickle mind would change.

"Where are you lost?" Eklavya snapped his first in front of her, "Come on! Let's get going." He ended sombrely. And held out a hand for her.

Coming out of her stupor, Anamika grabbed the thaal from beside her and taking his hand, stood up on her feet.

"Eklavya." She called out to him softly.


"Don't be so grumpy." She said as a matter of fact.

"I'm not." He denied it outrightly.

"You are. And don't you dare deny it." Anamika quickly said, "Around which hour do you sleep?" she asked, cautious enough to not let her real intentions out.

'Till when you are free at night?' Eklavya effortlessly understood the meaning behind her question. Turning his face back to look at her, he lied effortlessly, "I usually go back to bed early. So, yeah around nine-thirty, I hit the bed."

Feeling stumped at his reply, Anamika grumbled underneath her breath, "What? Even Aarav doesn't sleep that early."

"Oh, I forgot to ask!" he suddenly exclaimed making her look up at him in wonder. "How did you get your hands on my number?"

Anamika squinted her eyes at this in irritation. He made it sound like she had secretly snooped around people's cell phones just so she could get his number.

"Why should I tell you how I got my 'hands' on your number?" she huffed out haughtily. Eklavya's lips curled into a side smirk when he heard her haughty tone.

It was already dark and because of that Eklavya was using the flashlight in his phone to look ahead. Carefully descending the steep hill, they both finally made it to where the flower shop was.

Giving back the thaal to the owner, Anamika thanked him enormously and also apologized for coming back so late. Although the shopkeeper did tell her that it wasn't a big deal. She still insisted upon giving him her apologies.

Quickly wearing back her wedges Anamika looked at Eklavya who was already waiting for her with his Royal Enfield. When she neared him, Eklavya again made her wear the helmet.

"Sit tight. And don't you dare scream and complaint about the speed like you did previously?" Eklavya told her sternly. Anamika blushed in embarrassment upon recalling how she screamed at him to slow down. But ultimately... he didn't.

"Don't worry I won't. I've already learned my lesson." Anamika huffed out. "Even I know not to bang my head against a boulder." She sassed.

"Glad you learned that." Eklavya taunted back.

Ignoring his jibe Anamika remained silent and sat behind him. Turning around his bike, Eklavya started driving back into the city. It would take them roughly twenty minutes if they do not meet with any traffic.

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