We didn’t know what it looked like outside the City, because the walls, surrounding the City, were so high that it was impossible to see over them.
The two brown pillars of Odgo were higher than the walls, though. When I was young, I was determined that, one day, I would climb one of those pillars and look over the walls. Our distant ancestors built the pillars by using irregular-shaped blocks of stone, which could perhaps supply a kind of foothold. The pillars looked completely different from our other sleek and grey buildings, which I supposed, originated from another time.
I tried to climb one of the pillars one night, a few years ago, but I kept on slipping and sliding. In the end, I was bruised and bleeding and had to give up. I couldn't ask for help at the Caring Center or admit to being hurt, in case somebody wanted to know what I had been doing. The climbing of the pillars wasn’t specifically forbidden, but I was very sure that it was an unacceptable action and I was uncertain what the authorities could do, if you really offended them.