Ch 85: Depressed Patients, We Didn't Kill People

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Lin Qian stood on the rooftop and watched all this numbly. Everyone scolded her for being obsessed, saying that she was lost in her mind by the star chaser and could not tell right from wrong.

Everyone said that she was stunned and brainwashed by Yan Rui, and some even said that she had lost her mind.

The dark eyes were covered with a layer of mist, it looked like that hollow, and the whole person was lifeless.

"Quickly come down, Qianxi, we can repeat the exam..."

Lin Qian looked at her father, she grabbed the railing and shook her head.

"Dad, I've been to the hospital, and the doctor said that I have depression." The

man was startled, his eyes showed disbelief.

-How can a child suffer from depression? There is no pressure at school.

Lin Qian closed her father's eyes, and she twitched at the corner of her mouth.

In the year of the college entrance examination, day and night tutoring exams, the pressure from parents and teachers, like a stone on her back, made her breathless.

She didn't know why she was a good person with depression. Sometimes she wanted to commit suicide inexplicably. She cried for a long time when she cried. She cried until her hands and feet became numb. And when she was in the dark and confused, she saw Yan Rui on the Internet. He broke other people's views of him time and time again, and could always fight back.

For her, Yan Rui was a ray of light shining into her dark world. It was a life-saving straw, but now the life-saving straw was torn apart by the people closest to her.

The black fans committed suicide by jumping off the building, and the Internet was all scolding Yan Rui, and even Yan Rui's fans were affected.

Lin Qian is just one of them. Because of the unsatisfactory results of the college entrance examination, her parents put the blame on Yan Rui.

The classmates and friends around her knew that she liked Yan Rui, and they madly said in her ear that Yan Rui was a murderer, and Yan Rui's fans were the initiators and accomplices.

These people use the most vicious language to be the cruelest executioner.

She doesn't seem to be needed by this world anymore, except for the disappearance of environmental protection, she really can't think of what else.

The world is scorching, with ignorant hearts and distorted human nature.

Lin Qian recalled this scene, feeling terrible all the time.

These people are terrible.

They have been blinded, unable to see the truth, and will only insult an innocent person in a vague way to add to their own fun.

I don't want to stay here anymore, the world is not good at all. She has survived 623 days, and she wants to give up.

"Cici, come down. Mom and Dad will never force you to do things you don't like anymore. If you want to chase stars, go after them. Mom and Dad don't oppose you."

Lin Qian choked up: "You won't change, I I have told you more than once, so I would be sad and painful, but you just cheated on me every time, and I will never say it again."

They always decide her life based on their own ideas, and they say they want For her good, everything that can be said and everything she has done has never taken into consideration her feelings.

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