part 16 | I'M SORRY

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You guys were walking in the mall until mina spotted someone "wait isn't he taehyung ?"

You guys looked at the direction she pointed there was he with jungkook and jiwoo , they saw you guys and came to you
"You guys are here " jiwoo asked
"Yeah we thought of doing shopping "
"And you guys " you asked jiwoo with a confused face
"Aaa we jungkook didn't let me shop for myself so I dragged them here and moreover we were so bored playing video games "
"Bored can't you just accept that we both were winning and you were losing so you gave up " jungkook said with a proud smirk on his face
"Y-you guys were playing video games and didn't informed me " jimin complained pointing at himself

You hit jimin's shoulder "yaaa parkjimin don't you said you want to hangout "
"Y/n I did but t-they should have thought of inviting me " he said in a baby voice
Jiwoo rolled her eyes at jimin and said
"As we coincidencely meet let's hangout together ,so shall we group up and let's meet at the cafe "
Everyone nodded at her
"Okay so me , yeri, jhope , mina and taehyung,y/n , Jimin & jungkook "
"Why can't I come with you guys taehyungie hyung is so quite today I'll be bored with them"
Taehyung looked at jungkook as he acted like he didn't said anything 

"Suits you , you're so irritating be with your hyung " jiwoo said


We parted our ways ,I looked at taehyung he was silent he didn't uttered a word since we met I sighed and looked at him ..

Jimin interrupted me taking my hand in his "y/n let's go in men section first help me to buy something "I agreed with him and we started walking taehyung and jungkook were at back following us until jimin said "yaa you both come fast " they didn't said anything and started walking with us ,my hand was still in jimin's hand ,I felt someone holding my right hand I looked up and saw taehyung holding my hand he had a pissed expression
Is he jealous?
" He didn't even care about me "
"Wait maybe he does after all we have been lil close with eachother "
I smiled at his behaviour which got unnoticed by him
(Jimin smirked as he saw taehyung holding your hand)
We reached mens section jimin dragged me with him to help him leaving jungkook and taehyung
I was helping jimin when jungkook called me " y/n , please tell me which one I should get "
"Maybe this one ig , it'll suit you " I said pointing at the purple shirt

Author pov

You three were so busy even to remember about taehyung , he was watching y'all from far ,he saw you how you were so free with the boys ,but never dared to utter a word with him , jimin winked at jungkook as their plan of making taehyung jealous is working , jungkook came near jimin and wispered in his ear " jimin look at his face how pissed he looks " they both giggled seeing taehyung's disturbed face "let's make him more jealous " jimin said ..

They came near you and took you in womens section as taehyung followed you guys , jimin told you he'll buy you any dress you like so they dragged you in another shop where they can find you a dress for you

"Jimin I don't need any " you told him , but he ignored your words as jungkook and jimin started looking a perfect dress for you

Taehyung's pov

Jimin and jungkook dragged her to buy her something , I had no choice but to follow them ,I rolled my eyes they were being so clingy with her ,I was observing her every move , it doesn't effect her if any men other than her husband is touching her " if you're gonna play this way be ready for your worst heartbreak y/n "
I took a seat as I have no interest in shopping I already have a lot ,I used my phone for sometime as they were taking a lot of time I went to search for them ,I walked through the sections and found her  laughing with jimin and jungkook and their hands were placed on her shoulders , that's it I lost my patience I walked to them , grabbing her hand I dragged her in changing room

Y/n pov

I was with jimin and Jungkook they were making me laugh hard it was so hard to control my laugh but sudden someone grabbed my hand I looked up and saw taehyung looking at me with burning rage as he'll just kill me with those intimidating eyes ,he dragged me don't know where he was taking me until we reached changing room he pinned me to the wall and pinning my hands on the wall "t-taehyung w-what are"
I remained silent I was so afraid of him he looked so angry his face was inches away from mine ,he gripped my hands tightly
"W-why a-are "
He said looking into your eyes ,"w-why a-are y-y-you doing this to m-me taehyung "  I said freeing my hands from his grip I lost my balance and fell on my knees crying

Author pov

Tears flowing from your eyes as you fell on your knees crying in front of him "w-what did I ever do to you "
Taehyung was taken back as he realised what he did ,what he said ,he regretted all the words he said he was confused of his own behaviour ...
"Please let me be with jimin he's my bestfriend I promise I won't let anything ruin your reputation " you said looking on your knees , taehyung looking down "standup"
You remained silent , taehyung hold your hand but gently this time and made you stand "look in my eyes "
You looked in his eyes ,he saw your tears flowing from your eyes which looked like a pearl due to the light

He wiped your tears with his thumb ,his heart was aching seeing you cry specially because of him ,he suddenly felt a urge to protect you "I'm sorry " he said in calming tone
"I'm sorry y/n I was just disturbed and i saw you with them laughing so I couldn't control my angry " he said cupping your face
You didn't uttered a word just looked in his eyes which were full of regrets
Was he falling for you when he planned to make you regret your decision ?
You broke the eye contact and looked away "I hope your hands are okay " he said taking your wrist gently "
"I'm okay " you said removing your wrist from his hands
You guys heard a knock on the door
" love birds are still not done their romance"
You heard jimin saying on the other side of the door
Taehyung looked at you as you were already looking at him with a shocked expression ,he opened the door and walked out taking your hand in his, he looked at jimin and jungkook who were smiling jimin patted taehyung's shoulder and said " taehyung-ah if you were jealous you should have told us "
"Yeah hyung we aren't taking your y/n from you and btw yk it looked so hot you dragging your love from us "
"Yaaa let's go I don't wanna talk about it "


After everyone were done with the shopping you guys gathered in the cafe mina, yeri ,jiwoo &jhope did a lot of shopping they were taking about how they did and jimin and jungkook were enjoying with them telling about their experience
"Why you both are so silent , did something happened " mina said
"Aa no shall we eat I'm hungry " you said avoiding her questions everyone nodded and ordered their food
"Y/n what did you bought for yourself " jiwoo asked
You looked at jimin and answered "actually jimin & jungkook bought me a dress as I helped them "
"Aaa you're so lucky they never get me anything yk " you laughed at her words

After having your food you guys decided to go amusement park as it was only 5:30 ,you were tired but everyone  insisted you to come ...

Y/n pov

We decided to go amusement park , it's been a while I went there I was tired ,but they're dragging me ,I felt so happy after enjoying with them, it gave me a tranquil feeling

To be continued~

I got amazing idea for upcoming parts 😭, you gonna get to know y/n's deepest heartbreak soon 🏃


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