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We only have seven hours before the travel box moves again to the second stop before the closest mark to the borders, I have got to fix this thing before we move or get shot either way "What's the plan little brother?" Kirk says anxious as he leans over the ledge enough to get a good look, I looked up to get a good look at him as he called me little brother... did he want to get hurt? — returning back to working on fixing the spark reactor— most of the parts I got were not fitting in it right and I'm worried if I leave now the booth might leave without me and my confused brother. "Eliot, we need you to place the—" "It's not working the springs I got are either too big or too small and the rod is just too big" I sigh as I saw a worried look on Mia and Elmo making me just as worried.

"Stay back!" I soon heard my brother yell as I saw a girl with black hair and orange hair tips tackle my brother to the ground, I pointed the screwdriver at the colored hair girl only to lower the tool seeing who it was "Cassey!" I yelled from shock "Stay down..." She ignored me as she told my brother to stay down on the ground "Cassey that's my brother let him go" I say as I walked over to pry her off him "Who is that?" I heard Elliana giving up on moving Cassey I looked behind me to see the rest beaming in "My brother so if you could get... your mutt—off him that would be amazing." I muttered the insult knowing well the danger of Cassey if angered by insults "Cassey gets just cuff him" Elliana ordered as Cassey glared before doing so "How? —" But before I even got to finish my sentence Elliana beat me to it. "Heard you needed help so were here plus a bit of ground control... Isaac and Liam are down with the crowd already overseeing the different ideas Mark is off shopping— living his best life and Cassey and I will be here... to watch over you and... that?" Elliana explained as I saw city ordinated cuffs being placed on my brother.

"How are they?" Arthur heard Earl as he stood by the doorway. The elderly man knew Arthur well that he would be down in his small den watching over the young children as they left the city knowing that he cares more than others were to know "Don't you have a family to go visit" Arthur scowled as he looked on his glass table keeping a watch on the children as they ran around trying to keep the talk of the unknown phone booth on the hotel roof a minimum. "Tony and his family will be alright if I don't see them immediately" Earl lied as Arthur looked towards the elderly man who has taken a seat on a close by armchair within eyes view "Heard he brought your grandchildren... still not interested to see two—young boys of yours?" Arthur said baiting the elderly man to leave him so he may work in peace after some time Earl left the room a smirk making its way on Arthurs "Don't gloat it's not your doing" Earl spoiled his fun as the smirk on his face disappeared just as quick as it showed.

Blood is always thicker than water, but it is in both you could always drown in—my son was a smart boy he tend to try so hard he was above everyone in ways my own company couldn't fathom he was a price he was a royal in their eyes "Can't catch me Kira" "Can too" The sounds of young kids as I walked past the Humanity sector I have told Arthur no place can function without order. Their original plan was just to run a place of chaos and equality with such plan the place would be over run and destroyed in hours that he himself wouldn't know how to return too. "Dad" I heard as I looked up and saw him my son "Troy."

"Well this is one hell of an event full day" Cassey said as she slouched on the couch in the transporter "I'd say every person down there kept asking if I was wearing tights or eye liner—and yes these are doc martin boots is it a crime now we leave and wearing fashion statements are a crime—" "I think they just thought the tights were weird on you Mark" Isaac stopped Mark's little fit about his well-chosen fashion statements before we hit the Atlantic. "It's a wonder how we can never share this to the old world" Liam muttered as I walked over to see we were traveling past the lost city of Atlantis "They found out it give them one more step closer to finding us" I whispered as the rest got comfortable in the room. In an hour we got the old tech working and with a slight modification we were traveling quicker than its originally made to move. I heard a light chuckle from Liam as I glanced over to see him shaking his head as he looked out the window "What's wrong?" I asked clear as he wouldn't share is insight "First we take your interrogator and his family then we find out there is some old guy from the old world member in our city and we are bringing in a hit man from the same company—isn't this a bit suspicious to you" He said as I frowned slightly "It is... but we aren't them we can't just kick them out and kill or hurt them cause they did us... we would just be following their mistakes" I explain as Liam scowled. His hardheaded thinking will get the city hurt someday but as long as I have a say I won't let him dig us into the ground.

Elliana's soft-hearted response to everything will soon drive us to our doom and we will all meet it one day but as long as I'm around I will never let that happen. "Were almost there just a few more landmarks than we should have made it" Eliot said as Elliana walked over checking the tracker "You love her, don't you?" Cassey says as she talked towards me rolling my eyes I snicker at her wild imagination "You're insane" I say as she smirks standing beside me "Answer the question Liam... do you love her or not?" "Of course, not Ella's a good person and everything but we would never work out" I say as I saw Cassey leave behind me only for her to plant a kiss on my cheek "Good" was all she said before leaving me standing there dumb folded.

Those are some smart kids. I thought as I watched them from the hidden security cameras programed and installed on the transporter "How are they, Emmitt?" I hear Gianna as she walked in standing right beside me "On their way home... they just past the Atlantic" I inform as she nods the silence soon grew as we watched them these kids are what will soon take our place and from what I know its soon. "What does this mean for the city?" I hear Gianna mumble as I look over "What do you mean?" I ask "Both Atatiana and I are fearing the end as we let not just one outsider in, we have let a hand full..." She says as I soon ponder on her words fear sinking in as I realize the threat that has entered our unknown walls "We have to admit we will soon reach a war with these actions and Arthur is just letting it all happen" Gianna says as I frown is this all a bad idea, are we actually trusting these kids way too much or are we just being paranoid that we are placing one too many people in danger. "Emmitt are they back?" We hear Mia as she enters looking like she could run a mile around the peace dome "Almost... just past the Atlantic" I say as she stood on my other side as we all looked at the screen. The city is our home our land it was our place away from the disaster the old world made we have lost enough, and we do not need to lose anymore because we decided to do the right thing we have to find out and get rid of the danger.

"Were almost home—" "Finally I can put on my new wig promised my fans a new tik tok video from that one trend" Mark interrupts Isaac as he walked past showing no interest as he fixed his hair checking on his phone camera "Home... finally things will go quiet" Liam mentioned as he stood beside me "Yeah... back to training and doing what we all usually did" I said a bit too blunt as I caught Liam glancing at me "Alright what's wrong?" He asked as I looked at our friends "I'm not sure... just going to miss all this—" "What the adoring crowed cause last I checked Isaac and I did the heavy lifting there" Liam joked as I gave a lighthearted laugh as I recalled the little performance, they gave it was hilarious "No it's the—" "This is it we're at the boarder we have to walk from here" Eliot said as we got out taking a few things with us as we made our way to the main gates "Move it old timer" Cassey said as she pushed Kirk. This is going to be one long annoying and irritating walk back; I hope they have English breakfasts ready in the dome for us.

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