♡Absolute Bad Ass♡

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I sat at the dining table with my arms crossed bored out of mind scanning the room for interesting people. My Dad dragged me along to this event because he apparently had some 'business' to attend to, no idea how I came into the equation but here I am. My family are one of the most well known not only in New York but in the world, we weren't always like this we were actually a pretty normal family at some point but my Dads business skyrocketed, my Mom died during the 2012 attack in New York but me and my Dad got saved by iron man and thats what inspired my dad to run a technical business. 

I continued scanning the room until my eyes caught someone, a girl in a black suit with her hair half up and half down and hazel eyes leaned against a counter looking incredibly bored not to mention incredibly gorgeous. "Ugh, get back to work," said a waiter which she ignored. I followed her line of eyesight to find her looking directly at a man and lady that seemed to be having a good time. A man then approached her, they seemed to be talking about something which I wasn't able to hear, as soon as the man left she approached the man and woman. To say she seemed pissed was a understatement she was fuming, the man left  leaving the lady and girl and eventually resulting in the girl storming out. I followed the girl and found her outside leaning against a fence with her hands in her pocket, "A penny for your thoughts?" I asked. 

The girl looked up, "Do I know you?" I shook my head, "No but your the only person here who isn't a dinosaur and I couldn't stand to be in there any longer," the girl chuckled and stuck her hand out. "Kate Bishop." I smiled, "Ruby Azalea but you can call Rue," her eyebrows shot up in shock, "You mean you part of the Azalea family? No fucking way how am I even breathing the same air as you right now." I rolled my eyes, this girl can't be serious right now, "I'm not a Goddess minus the whole being well known and rich i'm basically normal," Kate smirked, "You sure about that because you look like a Goddess," I rolled my eyes at the cheesy comment but couldn't help but smile, "Real smooth Bishop." 

Suddenly a dog approached, Kate started talking to it and I raised a eyebrow at her but watched the interaction until the Dog ran away, "Kate Bishop the dog whisperer," I teased, Kate scoffed, "Okay its getting pretty cold lets go inside I want to check something out you down?" I pretended to pause to think about it before replying, "Hmmm I don't know my schedules pretty full right now but I guess I could make some time," I said sarcastically. On the way in Kate explained about her Moms fiance, there marriage and her suspicions. We turned a corner and heard the voices of Armand the III and Kate's mom and eavesdropped on the conversation, "So whatever you think you saw is not true," said Eleanor, "Don't insult my intelligence," spat Armand, "Your frankly insulting us both," I turned to Kate who was watching the interaction between the two adults, "I know what I saw," scoffed Armand, "I gave you a opportunity to explain yourself." Eleanor looked away defeated, "I don't want to argue with you," Armand pointed a finger at Eleanor, " I've got powerful friends too, the type you don't want to mess with," he stood up and walked away, "Please, Armand!" she begged, she sighed and walked down the corridor in our direction.

Kate came out of the hiding spot, "Mom what was that about?Is that guy threatening you?" I let the two talk and kept my distance, "I honestly- have no idea," she confessed, Kate looked at Eleanor in shock, "Why are you lurking in the hallways and who is this girl with you," she said wiggling her eyebrows, Kate blushed from embarrassment, "I was outside getting air and this is Rue," Eleanor turned to me, "Nice to meet you Rue, take care of Kate will you she seems to get herself into a lot of trouble," I tried to suppress a smile, "Will do Miss Bishop." Kate shook her head in embarrassment, "Come back to the party," said Eleanor, "Yeah.....Alright be right there," replied Kate standing on the same spot. She then turned to me, "Sorry about that..." I smiled, "Its alright your Mom seems nice."

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