Chapter 4 - was it really true?

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I had come into the classroom late at history period- again. No, history as the first period for one day was a rush , but for TWO DAYS?? IS MY TEACHER MAD? She knows I always come in the class late but does she really need to rub it in my face? And that too , come on! History as the first period, does she want me to skip her class everyday? I mean I'd be happy to leave her class. Anyways, I went to my seat quietly as I noticed something a bit- different. Audrey wasn't there. I mean yes , there might be traffic or she might be sick or late but she never comes in late. And if she were sick the teacher would tell me. well maybe not but- something felt odd. Was it really a coincidence that Audrey told me her secret and the very next day she dint come back to school? This was starting to get really bad. Who was I suppose to sit with at lunch? I don't have side friends. Or maybe I do- hmm... oh yeah , well we haven't talked in like years. Will they even remember me? Honestly I'm not even sure at this point. But if Audrey is not there then I definitely have to sit with my side friends. I have no choice. I waited till history was over. I just kept thinking how I was gonna become friends with them again. Maybe I could start with..

"HOLLY!" The teacher called out.

Holly? What kind of a strategy is that? or maybe... Wait- this means... the teacher was calling out my name?!? Why does she always call my name when I'm daydreaming? Out of everything that she can call me on , like come on! She just loves to disturb me in front of the whole class doesn't she.

"oops- yes miss?" I said.
"umm nothing , why?" I replied.

I remained silent. If she's talking about me day dreaming in class, we'll it's not my fault her stupid lectures about history are so boring.

"DON'T JUST STAY QUIET!" She stumbled.
"Miss - uh- whatever your name is, what did I do wrong?" I asked.
"I don't know. That's what I'm asking you" I shrugged.
"How dare you speak back to me?" She said.
"You know what you did wrong?" Her tone slightly decreased.
"nope" I nodded.
"you.. were daydreaming in MY period... again" she snapped at me, clenching her teeth.
"oh-that!" I remarked.
"Nothing to say?" She shrugged.
"sorry" I uttered.
"How do I know that you actually mean it?" She rolled her eyes.
"umm.." I mumbled.
"Exactly. You don't" she answered.
"I'm really sorry I just-" I said.
"but-" I uttered.
"no.." I turned away.
"GOOD, NOW GO" she pointed at the exit.

I got up from my seat and 'went out of the class. Just great. First , Audrey din't show up. Then I had to listen to my stupid history teacher. And now I have to go to the principal's office. Could this day really get any worse? I slowly opened the door to the office and walked in. I gulped.

"Holly, sit down" The principle requested.
"why are you in here?" She asked.
"I uh... I- I was daydreaming. In my history period. again." I said.
"Holly. This isn't the first time this has happened. I have gotten so many complains from your history teacher saying you were either coming in late or not paying attention. Holly, I believe that you can become better but if you want to do that, at least put in some effort. I don't want to bother your mother again. Just imagine what she'd think. You know how many complains your mother has received this week? At least three. Think, we only have five days in a week where you all come, so three is..." she said.

sorry- I dint catch everything she said. I don't want to hear some principle lecturing me about how I never pay attention in class. I don't even want to know what she said after three, and besides it's probably pointless anyways.

"Do you understand me?" She demanded
"Y-yes" I uttered.
"Good, go back to class then" she pointed at the door, waiting for me to leave.

I left without hesitating. I walked through the hallway looking in between classes. I could hear them from- my classroom? Now that's some tea. But one things for sure, what was the problem here? Maybe spying isn't too much of a bad idea I mean... okay. Who cares if it's a bad idea , this is some drama. I moved forward to the door as I put my ear towards the glass. There was dead silence for a while until I heard something. I put my ear slightly closer and listened to the voices.

"May I remind you that this is NOT your school"
"awww,too bad. you don't want to get accused for all of this do you?"
"you wouldn't dare-"
"oh really?"
"the police isn't gonna believe you!"
"Do you want to take the risk?"

I put my eyes close to the glass as I looked at the floor. I was terrified. Was this person a... killer? That too a killer in my school? My hands started shaking as I put my hand away from the door. I had heard a slight door opening noise. That's when I ran across the hallway so no one would see me. That wasn't the end tho. A detective never gives up. Not like I'm one but solving this kind of crime. I wonder.. I stayed in the bathroom holding the door tightly and locking it. If there's one place that's safe in a school, it's the bathroom. Well - sometimes. If the killer is slim enough he can crawl in from the gaps of the door on the ground. Anyways, it took so long for the bell to ring. I kept waiting and waiting. Good thing I had my phone with me. I could get grinding until the bell rang. It rang after a few.. maybe 1-2 hours? I'm not sure. I unlocked the bathroom door and crept towards the ground. I wanted to investigate more. As I was walking I heard a whisper.

"Psttt!" someone whispered.
"AAAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed, turning around.
"wait-amber??" I uttered.
"I.. uh" amber mumbled.
"What are you doing here? This isn't even your school! I thought you were gone for vacation?!" I said.
"There's been a- little change" she replied.
"Change? What kind of change?" I asked.
"well umm.. it's complicated but uh" she responded.
"spit it out" I snapped.
"I- don't you think talking in a hallway is uh, dangerous?" She muttered.
"Outside?" I pointer.
"Much safer- I mean, maybe.. maybe it's safer I mean maybe it's not or" she uttered.
"I know" I replied.
"Right.." she said.
"okay well, I WAS suppose to be on 'vacation' but there's been a bit of a - killer on the loose here. And since your my ex best friend I thought I'd come to.. help" she mentioned.
"mhmm and the fact that when we shifted to different schools you just randomly went on vacation without even saying goodbye? Or even telling me?" I reminded.
"Look I, it wasn't my decision okay?" She demanded.
"Then who's was it?" I asked.
"It.... it was...... IT WAS AUDERY ALRIGHT????" She said, almost bursting into tears..
"w-what?" I stuttered.

The words kept repeating in my head.... 'it was Audrey' 'Audrey'. I could have never imagined my best friend would do that. In fact, I started to think other things, like the fact that Audrey and I dint know each other when me and amber were friends- but she was still in the same school. The answer was confusing and hard to believe at first, but I decided that I could trust amber... for the time being.

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