So i was battling depression for a little while. I had a friend who helped and i had family who i couldn't tell. I was sent to a mental hospital for a little while maybe 2 or 3 months i dont really know you lose time in there because there is no calendar in there or a clock. I was in there and i got the help i needed but i never told them a part of my journey in this hell called life. I didn't have a very good relationship with my stepdad and i still don't today but I have been putting life off and doing everything else to keep me busy other than realizing who i might be pushing away or who i might be hurting. Anyways I was put in the mental hospital for depression and anxiety so i got there and i was upset i had to leave my mom and sisters but i wasn't upset i had to leave my stepdad. Me and him would always get into fights sometimes verbally and other time physically but nobody would ever be around. I never told the therapist in the mental hospital why i was truly in there but i was just trying to escape him. I never meant to hurt my mom by leaving her or making her feel like she was losing me but i was just trying to end the day to day fights with him. When i got out of the mental hospital is continued but not as much but he relapsed and kept leaving my whole life he had been apart of. So my mom would always be working because she had three kids to take care of well my sisters worked too so i was mainly the only one home. Well i had started to things that i shouldn't have been doing but i did. I started smoking weed and vaping and drinking at such a young age but i realized that if i didn't quit living how i was living then i was just going to end up just like my dad and my stepdad. I just didnt want to do that to myself or my future kids so i started attending church and hanging around different people. Well life hit me and i stopped smoking weed and drinking but i held onto vaping because it is my way to relieve stress. I have grown up in not such a good place or good surroundings but finally i wanted to be different and live my life how i wanted. I stopped fighting with stepdad all the time and just let everyone run over me because i was tried of doing what everyone wanted me to do.