Chapter 2

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(( Kinda forgot this exsisted..hah :) Well moving on probs upload the next chapter the next time i remember this exsists! Have fun reading! For future chapters Charlies pronouns are She/they  and their Sexuality Unlabeld :) Oh yeah also not really proofread so apologies))

"Did you see my Glasses?" Andy asked making her exit the thoughts she was having. "No but look in the kitchen. I think I saw Max and Andrew running over there!" she answered him holding back a laugh. His red payama shirt was put on wrong and his black hair was standing in every direction possible. He took off in the direction of the kitchen, but not before falling over the edge of the carpet. Embarrassed he stood up quickly straightening his wrinkled shorts.

Charlie had long forgotten about that Conversation with Miss Martins, when she was called in her office again a month later. Nothing interesting had happened other than a few exams and studying for the finals. Andrew had gotten adopted by an old couple in their sixties ,and as much as she was happy that he had finally found a home, she had to admit that she missed him. The black-haired boy was always the first one to hug her in the morning and the last to hug her good night. So, to say the least, she missed having him around.

Charlie knocked, admiring the metal ornaments that made the oak door look like it was stolen from a castle. Without awaiting approval to come in she opened the door. The red head was greeted by 2 strange faces, she had never seen before. A tall man with black hair who looked like he hadn't smiled in years and a raven-haired woman wearing a trench coat, who greeted Charlie with a warm smile. "Sit down, Charlie! And what did I say about coming in without approval?", Miss Martins complained in sickly sweet voice. "Not to do it! I'm sorry ma'am that was wrong from me!". Charlie played along with her act that was all too well known. One of the older kids would be called into the office. Miss Martins would complain about how badly behaved the child was, even if they weren't. That would mostly bring the Parents to the Decision to not adopt them, but Charlie had a feeling that these two were not focused on Miss Martins but on her.

"Mister Hayes and Misses Hayes. This is Charlie! She is the oldest here. Has quite the short temper. Not good with little kids and authorities". Charlie couldn't help but scoff at that remark. Not good with kids? She had to be joking. Miss Martins shot her a cold look before continuing the lie that she had told multiple Parents before, scaring them away.

The red head couldn't help but stare the Couple. They didn't seem to have an intimate relationship, for that they acted way to hostile, more like friends. Charlie noticed the way they were standing, 'the cop stand 'or how Andy always called it 'The FED stand'. Their faces were also strainly focused on the expressions Miss Martins did. "Police". Charlie thought to herself bringing her gaze back to the oak desk in front of her. The sheets of Paper that normally towered the sight were gone, and a pencil sharpener in the form of a knight had taken their place. The dusty bookshelves behind Miss Martins were filled with antique and interesting books, that Charlie would have liked to read one day, but knew that she would never be allowed to even touch them. "Tell me about yourself?" the woman in the black trench coat said. Charlie looked up locking eyes with Miss Martins who gave her the infamous 'Marten Stare' that could scare a murderer into confessing. "Well I like singing, drawing, school and um.... yeah". Charlie tried her best to keep the eye contact with the tall man, but the cold gaze that she had burning into the side of her head, made it difficult. "I think, we'd like to take her in for a few days. We'll see after that". The deep voice of the man echoed through the silent office. A shocked expression laying on Charlie and 'The Dragons 'face. Didn't they hear what she told them. "Can you show us your room Sweety, so we can help you pack?", the raven-haired woman asked. "Uh...Yes. Sure. Um.... follow me!" Charlie answered still not having overcome the shock.

"You have a nice room!" the tall man said after introducing himself and his friend. Charlie sat on the bed studying their faces intensely. "Where are your things?". The Mr. Hayes asked looking around the room. "In that bag. That's it!". Charlie said in bored tone pointing to a green bag on the other side of the room before standing up grabbing her phone. Misses Hayes grabbed the bag, while the man put an arm around Charlie. "Before we go, I would like to do something really quick!". Charlie asked giving both a pleading look which was returned by an approving nod


"D, you there?". Charlie said looking into the dark room. Sniffling could be heard from the other end. "D, now don't cry! I'm not gone forever! Come here! ", Charlie pleaded getting on her knees. Darian dashed out of the corner putting his hands around her neck. The only thing that was heard in the next minutes was a little kid sobbing relentlessly and someone reassuring him everything was gonna be okay. A creak on the door was unheard by the two children. The dark eyes of the man were scanning the room, letting his gaze drop to the two Children. A warm smile spread across his face. A knock on the door startled the two. "We gotta go!", Mr Hayes said. Giving Darian a last kiss on the head she stood up giving the man a waver smile.

"I never got your first names?". Charlie asked bouncing her leg up and down nervously. "I'm Andrew and this is my wife, Kathy!". The man seemingly having returned a little into his coldlikemanner. "Okay...what- what do you guys do for a living?" She was nervous and they could see that. Heck they were the Police, they are observant, of course they would notice the visible bouncing of her leg or the way she scratched the back of her neck. "Well, I'm a professor at the local university and so is Andrew! I'm teaching Russian and Arabic and he is... well, teaching Chemistry and Physics" Kathy told her seemingly forgetting her prewritten response a little. "So.... you guys' are like smart?" Charlie responded with a hint of curiosity in her voice. Liars. Did they really think they could trick me that easily? Professor! She scoffed audibly covering it up with a cough. "Well Yeah but our friend Spencer is even smarter. I think you'll like him!" She said seemingly not having heard her scoff ,or ignoring it giving Charlie a reassuring smile. Were Andrew and Kathy even their real names? They wouldn't use their real names, would they? She already couldn't stand being around them. She disliked being used by People, more than any kind of Vegetable. 

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